
Academic Staff Common Room


Fad Diets - Sad, Mad or Bad?

24 April 2024, 5:30 pm–6:30 pm


Wednesday 24th April 2024, 5.30pm

Event Information

Open to

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ASCR Manager

Modern “dietary” advice from influencers and bloggers is often based on hunch, passion and the gift of the gab. In simpler times and with little evidence, Sir Jack Drummond, the first UCL Professor of Biochemistry, designed the wartime rationed diet. A hugely successful venture, it could be argued that it has been downhill all the way since then. The average diet in Britain is rather poor and tends to obesity, despite brilliant expert advice. This pot has been stirred by faddish slimming-diet enthusiasts who sell books to the hopeful. Is this all sad, mad or bad? We will examine the role of politics, religion, magic, medicine and the USSR in this wacky minestrone of bad science.
George Grimble is Emeritus Professor of Medicine in UCL Division of Medicine and has researched the intersection of nutrition with muscle, the gut, critical illness and food poverty.