
Statistical Science


Biostatistics Group:

Research Group Overview

The Biostatistics Group (BSG) led by Professor Rumana Omar, conducts both collaborative research with health researchers based in UCL and the associated NHS Trusts and research into statistical methodologies required to address the challenges and needs of biomedical research.
The group sits across the UCL Department of Statistical Science, the NIHR UCLH/UCLH Biomedical Research Centre, and the UCL PRIMENT CTU. The Group members have been PI and co-applicants on several successful research grants from major grant bodies such as the MRC, different NIHR funding streams and the NIHR HTA and the Wellcome Trust. They have also published in high impact journals such as NEJM, Lancet, JAMA, Circulation, BMJ and leading Medical Statistics journals. The Group teaches on the MSc Medical Statistics pathway and the annual Practical Statistics for Medical Research CPD short course.

Research Group Members

Rumana Omar (Research Group Lead) 
Mariam Adeleke 
Gareth Ambler 
Julie Barber 
Baptiste Leurent 
Shengning Pan 
Martin Wiegand 

Recent Research Grants
1.    A Parallel multi centre randomised controlled trial to determine the clinical and cost-effectiveness of DREAMS START (Dementia RElAted manual for sleep; Strategies for RelaTives).  NIHR HTA (£1.8M).
2.    Trial of Ondansetron as a Parkinson’s HAllucinations Treatment: TOPHAT. Parkinsons UK. (£973,728).
3.    APPLE-Tree programme:  Active Prevention in People at risk of dementia: Lifestyle, bEhaviour change and Technology to REducE cognitive and functional decline. ESRC (£3,884,408).
4.    PentoxIfylline and Tocopherol for the treatment of poST radiotherapy fibrOsis in head and neck cancer Patients: a feasibility study (PIT-STOP). NIHR RfPB. (£260,000).
5.    Guidance on sample size when using observational data to develop and validate risk prediction models in health research. MRC (£300K).
6.    The feasibility and implementation of a psychosis risk prediction algorithm (P Risk) for use in primary care. NIHR RfPB (£151,981.00).
7.    Randomised controlled trial of the Community Navigator programme to reduce loneliness and depression for adults with treatment resistant depression in secondary mental health services. NIHR HTA (£1,912,616).
8.    Prediction of Adolescent meNtal healTH from Electronic health Records (PANTHER). Wellcome Trust (£488,900).
9.    A triple-blind randomised placebo-controlled feasibility study to assess the impact of octreotide infusion during liver transplantation on post-operative renal failure. NIHR RfPB (£249,839).
10.  A first-in-man study to assess short-term safety of a novel osteochondral scaffold in early repair of cartilage defects. Arthritis Research UK (£471,125).
11.  LOOC - Lymphatic mapping Of Oropharnygeal Cancer. NIHR EME. (£1,033,008).   
12.  Congenital Heart Audit: Measuring Progress In Outcomes Nationally (CHAMPION). NIHR Policy Research Programme (£742,850).  
13.  A randomised, open label trial of exenatide as a treatment for Multiple System Atrophy. John Black Charitable Foundation (£220,962).
14.  Personalised care for people with Parkinson’s Disease: PD-Care. NIHR: Programme Grant for Applied Research (£1,507,806).  
15.  Evaluating the Little Journey app: An RCT of a virtual reality preparatory tool for children undergoing surgery with general anaesthesia. NIHR RfPB (£200,419).
16.  Assessing the Clinical and cost-Effectiveness of inpatient mental health Rehabilitation services provided by the NHS and independent sector (ACER). NIHR HS&DR (1.37M).
17.  Outcomes and Predictors of Outcome for Children and Young People Referred to UK Gender Identity Development Services: A longitudinal Investigation. NIHR HS&DR (£1.3 M).
18.  Feasibility study of stem-cell enriched autologous lipotransfer to treat oro-facial fibrosis in systemic sclerosis (Sys-Stem). NIHR, RfPB (£220,903).
19.  EMpowering Better End of life Dementia Care. ESRC (£3.7M).    
20.  Serine in Hereditary Sensory Neuropathy Clinical Trial. MDUK (£225,000)

Research impact on patient care:

•    Development of the HCM Risk-SCD model which has been adopted by the European Society of Cardiology.
•    Development of the START intervention which has improved UK policy and guidance on dementia care.
•    The LIGHT trial that led the National Institute for Clinical Excellence to update their clinical guidelines regarding the treatment of glaucoma.
•    Research Published in the New England Journal of Medicine explains COVID-19 vaccine-induced syndrome which causes blood clots.

The BSG members are also expert advisors on methodology used by the National Institute of Cardiovascular Outcomes Research to monitor hospital performances in the UK.