


International Student Q&A Talks

The International Student Q&A Talks gives you the chance to hear from current international UCL students and ask them questions.

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Current international students will talk about their experience in their first few weeks and months at UCL. The content will mainly be driven by the questions you submit before the event and the ones you ask during it.

If you want to know more about assessments, earning some extra £££, or how to make friends, make sure to attend one of our International Student Q&A Talks. These will be held at the UCL Bloomsbury campus, Cruciform Building Lecture Theatre B304. 

Book your tickets below by selecting the date and time you prefer! Ticket sales will open on Monday 19 August 2024. 

Extra details

They will be running from September onwards for students starting at UCL in September 2024. Four talks will be held in total, split by your study level.

Postgraduate Taught students

Undergraduate students

Affliate students

Asking questions

  • Submit your questions beforehand. This allows each webinar to be as tailored to its audience as much as possible. 
  • Don't worry about missing a question, you can still ask it live on the day!

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