


London City Airport

Find out about your transport options for getting from London City Airport to UCL

Please note that journey times take into account the time taken to move between stations and bus stops.


The bus will take the longest of the public transport options but it's also the cheapest.

The Hopper Fare allows you to take as many journeys as you want within 1 hour for the cost of 1 journey.

Bloomsbury campus

Route and journey time

This will be quite a long journey option and will involve a number of changes so should only be taken if other options are not available.

Walk to Bus Stop 'J' London City Airport and get either the:

  1. Take the 474 Bus.
  2. Change to the 115 Bus
  3. Change to the 205 Bus
  • Total time = about 1 hour 35 minutes.


  1. Take the 474 Bus.
  2. Change to the 323 Bus
  3. Change to the 205 Bus
  • Total time = about 1 hour 40 minutes.

Check out TfL's website to plan your bus journey across London.

    UCL East

    Route and journey time

    This will be quite a long journey option and will involve a number of changes so should only be taken if other options are not available.

    Walk to Bus Stop 'J' London City Airport:

    1. Take the 474 Bus.
    • Total time = about 57 minutes.

    Check out TfL's website to plan your bus journey across London.


    London City airport has its own Docklands Light Railway (DLR) station. At many DLR stations, there are no physical barriers so you need to make sure you tap before and after every journey you make. There are card touch points at every DLR station entrance and exit.

    Bloomsbury campus

    Route and journey time

    Take either of the following routes:


    1. London City airport station to Canning Town station.
    2. Change to the Jubilee line westbound to Green Park station.
    3. Change to the Victoria line northbound to Warren Street station.
    • Total time = about 47 minutes.


    1. London City airport station to West Ham station
    2. Change to the Hammersmith & City line (westbound) to Euston Square station.
    • Total time = about 55 minutes;

    Visit TfL's webite for more information on the DLR.

    Visit TfL's website to see how much a journey between 2 stations costs.

    UCL East


    1. London City airport station to Stratford High Street station.
    • Total time = about 22 minutes.

    Visit TfL's webite for more information on the DLR.

    Visit TfL's website to see how much a journey between 2 stations costs.

    Taxi/ride share

    From London City Airport, there are plenty of options for taxi and ride shares. There is only 1 terminal so just head for the exit to the pick-up zone.

    Please note that journey times and costs can change based on the time of day. We advise booking a car in advance if you plan on this option.

    The following options are:

    • via Licenced minicabs;
    • via London Black Cabs;
    • via Ride share.
    Bloomsbury campus

    Route and journey time

    Licenced minicabs

    1. London City Airport pick-up zone to Bloomsbury campus
    • Total time = About 45 minutes.

    Check out London City airport's website for information on how to book a licenced minicab.

    London Black Cabs

    1. London City Airport pick-up zone to Bloomsbury campus
    • Total time = About 45 minutes.

    Visit TfL's website for a general breakdown of taxi fares costs from Heathrow to central London.

    Ride share

    1. London City Airport pick-up zone to Bloomsbury campus
    • Total time = About 45 minutes.



    UCL East

    Route and journey time

    Licenced minicabs

    1. London City Airport pick-up zone to UCL East
    • Total time = About 23 minutes.

    Check out London City airport's website for information on how to book a licenced minicab.

    London Black Cabs

    1. London City Airport pick-up zone to UCL East
    • Total time = About 23 minutes.

    Visit TfL's website for a general breakdown of taxi fares costs from Heathrow to central London.

    RIde shares

    1. London City Airport pick-up zone to UCL East
    • Total time = About 23 minutes.

