


Find your network, find your community

10 September 2020

Moving to a completely new environment like university, especially one in the heart of London, can feel daunting as well as exciting. As you adapt to life at UCL, our Liberation Networks are here to support you.

two smiling students

Women's Network

The Network is a safe space for all self-defining women to discuss issues around gender, and its intersectionality with sexuality, race and disability. It’s also a great place to meet like-minded people! 

The network also builds on discussions and ideas to shape their campaigns and bring real change at UCL.

Last year, the Women’s Network initiated campaigns like supporting UCL to implement Report and Support, an anonymous reporting tool aiming to end bullying and harassment, implemented the Women’s Only sessions in our gym and introduced free sanitary products in all Union bathrooms.

This year, the Women’s Network aims to expand its existing campaigns as well as focus on delivering better mental health communication across UCL, better environments for trans and non-binary students, and a robust support structure for coming forward about harassment.

We all deserve a great community at UCL.
- Aarushi Menon, Women’s Officer

Find out what the Women's Network can offer you

LGBTQ+ Network

As part of the biggest Students’ Union in the UK, the LGBTQ+ network is here to support LGBTQ+ students in both academic and social aspects. This network is based around awareness campaigns, volunteering, social gatherings and activities.  

Our network is open to anyone who self-defines as lesbian, gay, bi, trans, and/or any other sexual or gender minority.

As we strive to be as democratic as we can, there will always be room for discussion and improvement within the network, while our committee seeks to deliver the best experience for LGBTQ+ students across UCL.

I think it’s important for international and home students to explore the options and identities in their lives and UCL is a safe and open space to do that - to be who you want to be. Honestly, it’s such a liberating feeling.  
- Xuyi Wang, LGBQT+ Officer

Find out what the LGBTQ+ Network can offer you

Disabled Students' Network

The Disabled Students’ Network is a self-defining collective promoting disabled people’s interests and needs at UCL, including (but not limited to) students with learning difficulties, mental health issues, chronic illnesses, or physical disabilities.

The network is entirely student-led and separate from the university disability services. Coming together as people with similar experiences could help you meet new people and share advice.

We hope the network will empower disabled students at UCL to advocate for themselves when they need to. In addition, the DSN committee can signpost students to resources and support at university. 

In my first term, I joined the committee of the UCL Disabled Students’ Network, where I found wonderful friends in a supportive community atmosphere and began to work on disability inclusion at UCL. 
Zohar Mendzelevski-Steinberg, Disabled Students’ Officer

The network runs events celebrating disability culture, hosts general socials, external speakers, and forum meetings for students to discuss and support each others’ disability advocacy goals at UCL.

This year they will be running student-led campaigns, collaborating with other networks and societies, and continuing to provide spaces for disabled students to meet up and benefit from community support.

Find out what the Disabled Students’ Network can offer you

Black and Minority Ethnic Network 

The Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) community is a place of support, acceptance and of having your voice heard. At the network, everyone defines as BME which means you’ll meet people with similar experiences to you.

Together we can help you make the most of your time at UCL, campaign for projects that affect the BME community, host socials and help you whenever you need a helping hand. 

The BME Network is a place of acceptance and a platform for raising your voice. Together we can learn, campaign for change and support each other at UCL. 
- Sandy Ogundele, BME Students’ Officer

BME students are often the hardest hit by higher education cuts, austerity, strict immigration controls, socioeconomic instability. And this year, we believe that through collective organising, we can tackle these issues and make UCL a transformative space for BME students.

Find out what the BME Network can offer you

Aarushi Menon, Women’s Officer, Xuyi Wang, LGBQT+ Officer, Zohar Mendzelevski-Steinberg, Disabled Students’ Officer, Sandy Ogundele, BME Students’ Officer