


Access to UCL facilities during interruption

Once your interruption application is approved, there are a few things to do before you leave.

Help and support

As part of your return to study planning, your department should make sure there is a named person, email address and phone number for you to contact while you are away. 
You can also access support from UCL Student Support and Wellbeing Services. You can visit us in person or log an enquiry via askUCL.

Keeping in touch

You can talk to your department about the level of contact you are comfortable with while you are away. Some students may not want to be contacted at all, while others might benefit from regular keeping-in-touch points (e.g. once a month, once every three months). Try to discuss this with your department as part of your Return to Study planning meeting before you go. 

During your interruption, you can contact Student Support and Wellbeing Services for an appointment to discuss your wellbeing. An adviser will be able to discuss relevant external support options with you.

Contact us on AskUCL

Your UCL Account

Make sure you register your mobile number with myaccount.ucl.ac.uk so that you can reset your password if it expires while you are on interruption.

Online access

You will retain your access to many UCL electronic resources (including email and electronic resources in the Library) but may find that you are removed from Moodle courses until you re-enrol. 

Access to the Library, with limited borrowing rights, is available on request.


You will still have access to your UCL Portico account. If you register your phone with myaccount.ucl.ac.uk, you will be able to reset your password remotely if needed. Please ensure that you keep the following details updated in Portico so that we can contact you whilst you are away:

  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Postal address
  • Additional personal details

UCL email

You will still have access to your UCL email. It may be helpful to set up an automatic redirect so that any UCL emails appear in your personal inbox. This means you won't have to keep checking multiple accounts. 

Please check your UCL email account regularly. We will need to send you important messages while you are away. 

For questions about access to your Portico and UCL email accounts, please visit the UCL Information Services Desk.

Access to UCL facilities during interruption

While you are interrupted you will not be an enrolled UCL student, so you will not have access to the full range of UCL buildings, services and resources.

Access to campus

Unless you are on maternity leave, your UCL ID card will no longer work, so you will not be able to access buildings requiring an ID card. 

If you are on maternity leave

If you are interrupting for a period of maternity leave, you will retain appropriate access to UCL facilities and buildings. You must ensure you have undertaken an appropriate risk assessment in your department to cover the access you need during your maternity leave. You can find further information on the UCL Pregnancy and Adoption page.