


Adella Forder-Gore and Lana Shiel-Channa

Adella and Lana are your Student Advisers for UCL East. Scroll down for more information about events and to learn about them.

Adella Forder-Gore
What I do

Hi, I’m Adella. I am one of the two Student Advisers for UCL East and I am here for you as a key point of contact during your studies. I am available to discuss any wellbeing, support, and student experience matters.

Contact me via askUCL

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Who am I?  

About Adella

What was your experience of Further/Higher education like?

I had a love-hate relationship with higher education. I always struggled in the classroom but wanted to push myself, so I decided to go to university. I was happy I took the leap as I was given great opportunities, met some fantastic people along the way and life-long friends. The downside is that I did struggle with the academic side and although I had a fantastic academic team teaching me, I wish I had known of any support services available to enhance my experience.

I have been working in higher education since I was 16 and I have to say that I love the community that universities have. I have connected with so many people of all ages and backgrounds and again, gained so many opportunities. 

What do you like most about your work as a Student Adviser?

I really like that my role allows me to provide support to students in multiple ways: Appointments (in-person and online), workshops, events and activities. The variety of support options available increases accessibility to our service and caters to different comfort levels of how students would like to be supported.
I have a background in events and project management, as well as student support; so I also really enjoy having the ability and freedom to create and host wellbeing events and workshops.

What's a surprising or interesting fact about yourself?

It would surprise people to know that I love D.I.Y. I made a cocktail bar and beds out of wooden pallets. Also, I am a qualified nail and lash technician. 


Lana Shiel-Channa Student Adviser
What I do

Hi, I’m Lana. I am one of the two Student Advisers for UCL East and I am here for you as a key point of contact during your studies. I am available to discuss any wellbeing, support, and student experience matters.

Contact me via askUCL

Book an appointment

Who am I? 

About Lana

What was your experience of Further/Higher education like?

I always knew I wanted to go to university and felt academically and socially prepared, but I was not well-equipped for the transition from school to adulthood and responsibilities. I really enjoyed my studies, joined societies and made a group of great friends, however, I struggled with eating at meal times, remembering to do my laundry, and frequently wrote essays at 1:00 am when I could have easily written them in the day time instead. Things like making a revision timetable came easily to me but the hard part was sticking to it. By the end of my first year, I had figured out how to balance all areas of my life and I started to really appreciate and enjoy the people I was around. I didn't stay friends with a lot of the people I met in the first two weeks of university (which is quite common, I think) but the friends I made in my first year and beyond really did become my friends for life. In one special case, he even became my family when I married him!

Who or what made the biggest positive impact on you when you were studying? And how did they support you?

My personal tutor was one of the kindest and most supportive people during my time at university. His greatest strength was in his understanding and acceptance of whatever concern I brought to him. He was always available to listen when I had problems, to help me work through motivation or personal issues, and he was one of my favourite lecturers. 

What working achievements or initiatives are you most proud of?

My proudest moments are my initiatives that happen from day to day. I am proud of having the capability to lighten someone's load when they need it. In my last role, I was approached to be the Wellbeing Champion for our entire department just after starting my job. This was a real achievement for me because it meant my positive intentions had been noticed and appreciated straight away.

If you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be?

It's okay to make mistakes, to mess up (several times in a row)! Taking risks and trying new things is how you improve and it is how big, amazing ideas are born. Don't worry about doing things perfectly; life is just as much about enjoying the experience, especially when you're learning.

What would it surprise people to know about you?

I cannot handle a cup of tea! I think it's the tannins that make me feel sick, even though they are found in coffee too, which I LOVE. As you can imagine, my Irish family consider my refusal of tea an act of treachery towards our culture!

Herbal teas are safe, but you'll never see me settling down with a big mug of Earl Grey, Yorkshire tea or the classic Irish Barry's.


Working within the Student Support and Wellbeing team, we will be hosting a range of events and activities during term time to support your Social bonding, Skills for life and Wellbeing at university. Explore the workshops and activities you can join throughout the academic year listed below, then click the hyperlink or the 'Book a space on an event' button to reserve your place.

Term 1: September 25th- December 15th

More information coming soon.

Term 2: January 8th - March 22nd 2024

More information coming soon.

Term 3: April 22nd - June 7th 2024

Wellbeing Hour in the Roof Garden -  Thursday 13 JUNE AND 27 JUNE, 14:00-15:00, One Pool Street, First Floor

Connect with nature by joining us in the Roof Garden at One Pool Street (first floor). Boost your wellbeing by choosing what you do during the hour. Enjoy some optional, light gardening, simply sit and enjoy the space, or meet your Student Adviser for an informal chat. Relax for as little or as long as you need from 2-3pm. Spaces are limited - please book.

Book a space on an event