


Kristina Labanauskaite

Scroll down for more information about events and to learn about me.

Student Adviser Kristina Labanauskaite
What I do

Hi, I’m Kristina. I am the Student Adviser (Postgraduate) for The Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment and I am here for you as a key point of contact. I am available to discuss any wellbeing, support, and student experience matters. 

Contact me via askUCL

Book an appointment



Working within the Student Support and Wellbeing team, I will be hosting a range of events and activities during term time to support your Social bonding, Skills for life and Wellbeing at university. Explore the workshops and activities you can join throughout the academic year listed below, then click the event hyperlink to reserve your place. 

Term 1: September 25th - December 15th 2023

More information coming soon.

Term 2: January 8th - March 22nd 2024

More information coming soon.

Term 3: April 22nd - June 7th 2024

More information coming soon.

Who am I?

About Kristina

What was your experience of Further/Higher education like?

I was an international student, arriving in the UK for the first time. At first, it felt foreign, new, and different. I felt isolated, lonely, and wanted to go back home. Once I immersed myself in the social aspect of university life, joined societies, and wholeheartedly participated in seminars and discussions things turned around. I felt more integrated, positively challenged, and experienced academic/personal growth. I also managed (through trial and error) to make secure, trustworthy friendships. University life helped me gain independence, confidence and become responsible for my actions. I learned to stay in control of my life through the choices I made.   

What do you like most about your work as a Student Adviser?

Being a Student Adviser at UCL is an incredibly rewarding and fulfilling role for me. I cherish the supportive conversations I have with students about their academic and personal lives, providing them with a safe space to share their experiences without fear of judgment. 
Being part of their support network, I find great joy in encouraging, motivating, and inspiring them to push forward. It's deeply satisfying to challenge their self-limiting beliefs, help them recognize their achievements, and motivate them to overcome obstacles with a growth mindset. Coaching students towards their goals and witnessing the positive shifts in their mood and self-belief after our conversations is truly inspiring. 
I love spending my time doing what I am passionate about and being able to cultivate a sense of belonging and inclusion is a privilege. Facilitating wellbeing workshops and sharing my knowledge on wellbeing topics to benefit student mental health is particularly rewarding. Additionally, being part of the wider SSW team at UCL allows me to continuously learn from my colleagues and grow professionally.

What's a surprising or interesting fact about yourself?

I don’t know why, but most people are surprised when I say that I am married, and I have two children.