


Indra Mitra-Duggan

Scroll down for more information about events and to learn about me.

Student Adviser Indra Mitra-Duggan

What I do

Hi, I’m Indra. I am the Student Adviser for Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering (CEGE); Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (MPBE) and School of Management (Man Sci programme). I am here for you as a key point of contact during the first year of your undergraduate studies. I am available to discuss any wellbeing, support and student experience matters. 

Contact me via askUCL

Book an appointment



Working within the Student Support and Wellbeing team, I will be hosting a range of events and activities during term time to support your Social bonding, Skills for life and Wellbeing at university. Explore the workshops and activities you can join throughout the academic year listed below, then click the 'Book a space on an event' button to reserve your place.

Term 1: September 25th - December 15th 2023

More information coming soon.

Term 2: January 8th - March 22nd 2024

More information coming soon.

Term 3: April 22nd - June 7th 2024

More information to come soon.

Book a space on an event

Who am I?

About Indra

What was your experience of Further/Higher education like?   

My university experience was daunting and exciting all at the same time.  Having never been away from my family, I was wary and quite homesick at first, but realising that many others were in the same boat, helped me to make friends, develop resilience and eventually have a great university experience.   

What do you like most about your work as a Student Adviser?

It's great to meet students from across the globe and talk to them about their time at UCL. I like knowing that I am able to support students through their journey and be an ear for them when things are not always going so smoothly. 

What's a surprising or interesting fact about yourself?

 I love travelling and spent 6 years teaching in Berlin, Beirut and Bangalore.