
Sustainable UCL


Make Change Possible: Virtually Audit UCL’s Environmental Impact

6 April 2020

Sustainable UCL are recruiting students and staff to audit departments completing Green Impact: UCL’s environmental accreditation programme that supports and encourages departments to run sustainably.

Students problem-solving in a workshop

Environmental auditing is an essential way to determine UCL’s sustainability performance. It’s a vital first step in making buildings, operations and behaviours more sustainable.

The process will help you to gain skills and experience associated with auditing and sustainability. It will also enhance your CV and your employability skills for all sectors, as sustainability knowledge is increasingly deemed vital for businesses and organisations.

Why take part?

This training and environmental auditing is a great opportunity to gain experience from anywhere in the world. By volunteering, you will:

  • Receive IEMA approved environmental auditor training with certification;
  • Improve your sustainability literacy;
  • Enhance your CV with desirable sustainability awareness for all career sectors;
  • Gain experience in auditing and sustainability;
  • Engage with academics and professional staff at UCL who are driving sustainability;
  • Meet like-minded people across the world.

How will it work?

  • Volunteers will gain training approved by the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) online between 10am-1pm, on Wednesday 27th May 2020 with SOS-UK, Sustainable UCL and other volunteers. There will be plenty of breaks throughout.
  • Sustainable UCL will arrange two individual, virtual meetings with UCL departments taking part in Green Impact. You will receive invites to these ahead of the training. 
  • There are four available time slots for conducting the audits after the training. You can indicate your preference when booking your place:
    • Wednesday 27th May, 1-3:30pm
    • Thursday 28th May, 10am-12:30pm
    • Thursday 28th May, 1-3:30pm
    • Friday 29th May, 10am-12:30pm
    •  Each audit will take approximately one hour, with a chance for a break between virtual meetings.
    • There will be an opportunity to engage with staff via email for any follow-up questions from the audits.
    • Sustainable UCL will be on call throughout the audits to help answer any questions.

    Register Now

    Deadline to book your place: 10pm, Monday 4th May 2020.

    These audits are an essential part of the programme: please only book a space if you can attend the full training session and at least one of the time slots for conducting the audits. 

    Spaces are limited so book now to guarantee your place: this will be on a first-come-first-served basis.


    The training and audits will be delivered online and require a computer/laptop and internet connection to take part.

    • Training will be hosted via Zoom: this is free to use and you just need to register to access the training - a link will be sent to you via email in advance.
    • Audits will be conducted via Microsoft Teams so please register with Teams if you haven't done so already. Everyone at UCL has access to this so please use your UCL email address for full access. You can either use this on the desktop browser or download the app. Both will work but the app allows for more features and ease of use.