
Sustainable UCL


Reducing food waste while working remotely

12 May 2020

Since joining "Too Good to Go" in 2019, UCL has saved over 1000 meals from the bin. Read on to find out how UCL continues to lower its food waste during the lockdown period and what you can do to reduce your own food waste while working remotely.

A Sodexo employee is delivering a donation to FareShare

Around 10 million tonnes of food are wasted each year in the UK. UCL has been working hard to manage its food sustainably and reduce food waste. Since joining “Too Good to Go” in 2019, UCL has saved over 1000 meals from the bin, by selling them to students and staff at a discount towards the end of the day.   

On the 29th April 2020 when UCL shut the last of its kitchens, UCL Estates and food contractor, Sodexo arranged for surplus food to be collected and donated to FareShare.  Founded in 1994, FareShare is the UK’s largest and longest running food re-distribution charity. Thanks to this collaboration, perfectly good food destined for the bin, has reached homeless hostels, charities and community groups who’ve made tasty meals out of our surplus food. 

Feeling inspired to reduce your own food waste?  

Lately, the Sustainable UCL team has been trying low waste cooking recipes.  You can also modify the way you store your food to make it last longer. Did you know that the ideal fridge temperature is 5°C? Check out the LoveFoodHateWaste website for more tips around making your food last longer and lowering your food waste.