
Sustainable UCL


Meet our next Bike Buddy: Clara Gathman

15 September 2020

Our Bike Buddy scheme aims to help staff and students cycle to UCL. We team experienced cyclists with people who are new to cycling or would like some support in getting to and from UCL. Bike Buddies can assist with knowledge on local routes, and can take people into campus.

Clara with her bicycle

What do you do at UCL? 

I am currently undertaking a PhD in medicinal chemistry, in simple words: drug discovery. I work in the Cruciform building mainly as a chemist in the lab, but sometimes I also go to the Institute of Ophthalmology if I need to do some biological work. 

What made you want to be a bike buddy

I think developing cycling in London is really important, if not crucial. We can’t breathe properly and cars are loud, polluting and dangerous. I would like to help people who don’t have the confidence yet to break the ice and give them tips to introduce them to cycling and make them feel safe.

What’s your route? 

I cycle from Mortimer Crescent NW6, near Kilburn High Road/ Maida Vale towards UCL main campus most of the days. It takes me through Regents Park, which is quite nice and relaxed. Sometimes I just drive a bit slower to enjoy the breeze and the spirit of the park. 

What’s your favourite thing about cycling?/ How did you get into cycling? 

Well, firstly, cycling is SO MUCH FASTER. I get everywhere cheaply and quickly and it makes me so much more flexible. Unless you are going really far or you start and end really close to a tube station, cycling is going to be faster. Second, it feels great. During my PhD, I am not doing as much sport as I would want to and cycling just keeps me fit. It also gives me time to relax after a big day of work, to de-stress. I won’t say that there aren’t days where I’d rather not cycle the 20  minutes home but most of the time, I enjoy this stressless moment. Finally, I think cycling is quite safe, especially at night, compared to walking home from the tube for example. 

Do you have any top tips for cycling? / Are there any cycling myths you’d like to bust? 

I have been cycling since I can walk almost. I grew up in Southern France on very quiet roads and this is my first recommendation: if you are learning to ride a bike, take it to a quiet place, if possible, and build up your confidence there. Don’t try to go too soon to busy roads which will stress you out if you don’t totally control the technical details.

Another thing which was truly important – even for me, as a regular cyclist – when coming to London is: take plenty of time for your journey at the beginning, I’d say 30% of additional time at least. If you have no time pressure, you can allow yourself to take the wrong road or a slightly longer path and you won’t put yourself in danger.

Finally, indicate everything you are doing super clearly, and in advance. No one will want to ride you over, so if you indicate in advance you are turning right, cars will let you pass.

A cycling myth I’d like to bust… Maybe that you need to be fit or have super expensive equipment to be a good cyclist. No, you can wear normal clothes (I don’t really sweat except it’s like 35 degrees), use an average bike (with good breaks though) and if you learn a bit how to take care of it, your bike is not going to cost a lot in maintenance. 


If you would like to find out about UCL’s bike buddy scheme, support someone in cycling to UCL or if you are new to cycling and would like a buddy, see our page here.

For general tips on walking and cycling, see this page.