
Sustainable UCL


Secure your place at the UCL Sustainability Leadership Conference

14 March 2024

Apply now for your place at the new UCL Sustainability Leadership Conference - a two-day extra-curricular event for current students of any degree programme.

A banner image of a student working at a desk

The next generation of leaders who will go on to make a global impact on environmental sustainability and climate change are studying at UCL today. We want to make sure UCL student voices are heard on this critical issue and give students the opportunity to develop skills, meet inspiring people, and build networks.

In term one Mary, Students' Union President, went to COP28 to represent students and to show that student voices are crucial to the way we tackle the biggest issue affecting the world today. Watch Mary's post-COP28 video reflections and see there is hope in addressing climate change if we look in the right places.

We're committed to creating ways for students to develop skills in sustainability and climate leadership and in partnership with the Students' Union UCL, we've created a new development programme and conference for students.

The Sustainability Leadership Conference, co-delivered by Sustainable UCL and Students' Union UCL, will bring together students, experts, and organisations to discuss the biggest issue facing the world today, and how to tackle it. It will bring together 120 student delegates to hear from a programme of expert speakers from across the world of sustainability.

The conference aims to inspire, upskill, and empower students to become climate leaders and is themed around three key strands:

  • Understanding climate change and environmental sustainability.
  • Sustainability leadership.
  • Skills development including communication skills.

2024 will be the inaugural year of the Sustainability Leadership Conference, and something we hope to continue far into the future, empowering cohorts of students to go out and change the world. It will be taking place 18-19 April at Marshgate, UCL East. The conference is free to attend, with lunches and some refreshments provided, but students are required to apply for a place as we anticipate this event will be over-subscribed.

Apply by 09:00 on the 20th March.

Find out more and apply for a place