
Teaching & Learning


New name and location for the Centre for Advancing Learning and Teaching

21 February 2017

UCL's Centre for Advancing Learning and Teaching – widely known as CALT – is changing its name. It will now be called the UCL Arena Centre for Research-based Education.

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Professor Dilly Fung, Academic Director, said: 'The change of name highlights UCL's commitment to advancing student education by getting all students involved in research and active enquiry. We advise on and fund projects which build connections between UCL's world-leading research and student learning, right across the disciplines.

‘We expect to become known within UCL simply as the Arena Centre.  Thousands of colleagues already associate us with the very popular UCL Arena scheme. Offering a diverse range of events in which colleagues share practices and innovations, UCL Arena is accredited to make prestigious awards for teaching and for educational leadership across the Faculties.’

On Friday 24 February the team is relocating to the tenth floor of 1-19 Torrington Place, where they will have an open plan office, with a teaching room and two smaller seminar rooms. The ground and lower ground floors of the building will then be redeveloped as bespoke teaching and learning spaces under Transforming UCL.

Professor Fung said: ‘The new Arena Centre, located high above the London landscape in Torrington Place, welcomes everyone in the UCL community interested in advancing student education in our research-rich environment.'

Led by Professor Fung, the team of Teaching Fellows and professional services staff, works closely with the Vice-Provost for Education and Student Affairs, Professor Anthony Smith, and his team as well as with academic and professional colleagues from across UCL to develop engaging, research-based approaches to education, in line with the UCL Education Strategy 2016-21 and UCL 2034 strategy.

We lead three major cross-UCL initiatives:

  • UCL Connected Curriculum – embedding research and enquiry in all levels of the student’s learning 
  • UCL Arena – resources, networks and development for UCL staff who teach
  • UCL ChangeMakers – students and staff working in partnership to enhance learning