
Teaching & Learning


Minute Paper

Overview of how to design a 'Minute paper' digital learning activity, also known as 'one-sentence summary'.

Minute Paper

29 April 2021

Students identify the most signifiant (useful, meaningful, unlikely) thing they have learnt during the session or course.

Example instructions for students

Write for 1 minute on a given topic and receive feedback 

Why use it 

  • Staff or students can use to to enable reflection on what students have learnt or understood.
  • It provides a snapshot of whole class;
  • It offers potential for rapid feedback.

When to use it

At start of class as revision; At mid or end point to check on understanding 

Digital tools that might be used

  • Mentimeter  
  • Forum 
  • Chat 
  • Handwritten paper photographed and uploaded 
  • Break out room discussion 

Speed of set up time 

1 minute


Time needed for:

  • devising the question(s); 
  • looking over and feeding back; 
  • monitoring peer feedback, if peer feedback is used; 

Staff might provide an example that students could look at to compare with their answer. This would avoid the need to supply feedback.

Other resources

Screen clock or count down timer  

Examples of staff use 

Utilising the Digital One Minute Paper to improve student experience in post-COVID-19 remote business school teaching

Cartoon image of two people with speech bubbles

Got something to say? Comment on this activity on the IDEAs blog