UCL Teddy Bear Hospital
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Teddy Bear Hospital 2007

What is it all about

Teddy Bear Hospital is a children’s project that has been set up by medical students within the Royal Free and University College Medical School

It is aimed at children between the ages of 4 and 10 years, to encourage a positive attitude towards medicine and healthcare workers

Our aim is to help reduce children’s fears about ‘visiting the doctor in hospital’ by introducing them to what happens when you go, and all in a fun friendly environment.

A mock hospital is set up with an array of activities representing different aspects of hospital care.

Children bring in their ‘sick’ teddies to our friendly ‘teddy doctors’ (medical students) and we will make them better.

This concept was initially trialed by the European Medical Schools Association (EMSA) in Scandinavia and since then has been very successful in Sheffield and Bath. ("Teddy Bear Hospital (TBH) – reducing children’s fear of doctors and hospital environment" Amanda Victorine ZY Wong, Jalal Geilani – University of Sheffield, Dr. Andrew Charters – Barnsley Primary Care Trust, Child and Adolescent Unit)

Our RUMS Teddy bear hospital is now going into its third year at the Royal Free Hospital after a fantastic 2005 and 2006!

TEDDY HOSPITAL is on Saturday 10th March 2007



This page last modified 2 February, 2007 by Teddy Bear Hospital

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