
UCL East


UCL East campus art collection

Public art at UCL East helps us to communicate our research, identity and relationship to the world, to east London and its communities. It stimulates interdisciplinary relationships between UCL and its communities and contributes to the wider understanding of the work of UCL, its place in London and the global challenges that UCL's research addresses.
Young black man looking up in black glasses

Trēow of Time, 2023

Larry Achiampong and David Blandy

multicoloured ceramic pieces attached to the concrete of One Pool Street reception

Hear Now, 2023

Emma Hart

Abi Ola stood in front of her wallpaper print work in a black cardigan.
abstract colourful wooden art piece next to 2nd - 4th floor escalators

UCL East Art Collection

Slade students and alumni

giant blow up globe handing from marshgate atrium cieling

Gaia, 2023

Public art programme

A man and a woman sat on a bench in a skate park.

City Mill Skate, 2022

Research project and skate park

artwork by the canal


Knowledge exchange

mock up of large golden sculpture around corner of building


Public art programme