
UCL East


Emma Hart artwork inspired exhibition extended

8 May 2024

Hear Story, a free exhibition of prints created by students from six east London schools has been extended to give more people an opportunity to enjoy the display on the ground floor of our One Pool Street building on Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. Open until 3pm on 15 May.

A colourful display with the words Hear Story visible in the centre

Inspired by local artist Emma Hart’s powerful Hear Now artwork in the atrium of the building, we’ve handed local school students the megaphone to express their own histories, identities, and voices.
The Hear Story exhibition features more than ninety small scale prints created by students across six east London schools. Students were encouraged to draw inspiration from Emma Hart’s work Hear Now which colourfully frames the atrium with frying pans and megaphones.

As Emma’s work uses objects to represent the duality of east London suffragettes as both homemakers and suffragettes, the students were encouraged to represent objects that hold significant meaning to them.

The prints vary in subject matter, from childhood teddy bears to stylish wardrobe accessories to sentimental landmarks, many of which represent memorable moments for the students.

A wide shot showing a pillar to the left with a floor to ceiling string of colourful frying pans on it and in the centre a colourful display across a range of panels with a grey brick floor in the foreground

In preparation for the exhibition, our UCL East Schools Engagement team invited the students to visit the UCL Art Museum and UCL Slade School of Fine Art on our Bloomsbury campus in central London to learn and practise the art of dry point etching. Students also had an opportunity to see what studying art at university could look like.

In follow-up workshops led by Slade alumna Mataio Austin Dean and Nia Fekri, students made their own dry point and Chine-collé etchings, experimenting with colour, texture and subject matter. The students also had the opportunity to meet with Emma Hart herself to understand more about Hear Now and her practice.

Students, their families, friends and teachers all enjoyed a reception event at One Pool Street with UCL staff and students to celebrate the exhibition.

Hear Story is free and open to all until 3pm on Wednesday 15 May 2024.

UCL East, One Pool Street, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, E20 2AF

With thanks to Emma Hart and our participating Schools:

  • St. Paul’s Way School, Tower Hamlets
  • Chobham Academy, Newham
  • Sir George Monoux College, Waltham Forest
  • Kelmscott School, Waltham Forest
  • Stoke Newington School, Hackney
  • BSIX Sixth Form College, Hackney

Learn more about UCL East's work with schools