
UCLIC - UCL Interaction Centre


The Varieties of Olfactory Experience

23 September 2024, 11:00 am–12:00 pm


Event Information

Open to



Dr Ceylan Besevli – UCL Interaction Centre


Ground Floor
169 Euston Road
United Kingdom

Scent is an embodied sense, which means that it is deeply influenced by the body's interactions with the physical world.  Humans engage with their environment in a variety of ways that result in odor molecules reaching their olfactory epithelium. A handshake results in the transfer from odor molecules from one hand to another, which then can bring them to the nose where they are inhaled. Alternatively, the nose can be brought to the source of the scent, such as a flower, or the molecules can be released during chewing and become part of the flavor experience. This diversity of odour sampling behaviors is reflected in the variety of scent experiences that have been designed by artists working in the medium.    

This seminar is also available for remote-joining on Zoom: https://ucl.zoom.us/j/93134616218

About the Speaker

Andreas Keller

Photograph of Andreas Keller
Andreas Keller is an academic with PhDs in neuroscience and philosophy who is interested in olfactory perception. His research has shed light on human olfactory capacities, on the relation between the structure and smell of odor molecules, and on the perceptual consequences of variability in odorant receptor genes. He is the author of "The Philosophy of Olfactory Perception", in which he explores the philosophically interesting differences between seeing and smelling, and the owner of Olfactory Art Keller, an art gallery in New York’s Chinatown that is dedicated to the exploration of scent as a creative medium.