
UCLIC - UCL Interaction Centre


New paper on early adoption of healthcare technologies in hospitals

16 July 2024

Paper explores early exploration and adoption of emerging healthcare (ARC) technologies that use a rapid debriefing technique to teach stakeholders about deploying technologies


In a recently-published article in Nature Medicine, authors Visram (UCLIC), Rogers (UCLIC) and Sebire (GOSH) propose a new ‘active discourse’ for the early exploration and adoption of emerging healthcare (ARC) technologies that use a rapid debriefing technique to teach stakeholders about deploying technologies.

The ARC framework is not intended to replace high-level guidelines but rather to complement existing processes. It aims to introduce staff to emerging technologies and concepts, build capability and core competencies for using new technologies, and redesign interactions and workflows to create new-technology-enabled user experiences.

 The hope is for this framework to support healthcare technology decision-makers in assessing the potential benefit of a given technology by using a transparent, reproducible and practical tool that gives prominence to the early user experiences of healthcare staff to deliver both safer and kinder patient care. 

Visram, Sheena et al. Developing a conceptual framework for the early adoption of healthcare technologies in hospitals. Nature medicine vol. 30,5 (2024): 1222-1224. doi:10.1038/s41591-024-02860-8