




Original rule 8.8 as updated by Motion 2:

8.8    Casual vacancies

If an office is vacant and no ballot is being held for that office, the committee is empowered to fill the vacancy, either from members of the committee itself or from the general membership of the Branch by applying the mechanism of co-option.  Officers so appointed will retire at the same time as if they had been duly declared elected at the last Annual General Meeting.

Proposed changes to rule 8.8

In 8.8, Casual vacancies, after “The general membership of the branch” insert:

subject to the co-option limit in 7.3.c if co-opting from outside the committee.

Rationale: Make sure the co-option limit is respected overall for Branch Officers being co-opted from the general membership. The total number of ordinary members of the Executive Committee that may be co-opted together with the total Branch Officers being co-opted, should respect this limit.

However, if the co-opted officers are already members of the Executive Committee, they have already been elected by the membership. Therefore being subsequently co-opted to Branch Officer roles should not count towards the co-option limit.

Result: Carried (77% in favour; 4% against; 19% abstentions)


Rule 8.8 updated:

8.8 Casual vacancies

If an office is vacant and no ballot is being held for that office, the committee is empowered to fill the vacancy, either from members of the committee itself or from the general membership of the Branch by applying the mechanism of co-option subject to the co-option limit in 7.3.c if co-opting from outside the committee.  Officers so appointed will retire at the same time as if they had been duly declared elected at the last Annual General Meeting.