
UCL Urban Laboratory


Telling Untold Stories at Cities Methodologies 2014

29 October 2014, 2:00 pm–3:30 pm

Telling Untold Stories

Event Information

Open to



Slade Research Centre, UCL, Woburn Square, London WC1H 0HB

Despite numerous representations of cities from a variety of contributors, some communities and individuals remain marginalised. This means that their stories and experiences of the city often go unheard in the debate around the design, use and inhabitation of cities. Yet innovative participatory methods of data collection and representation make it possible to ensure these stories are told. Focusing on work carried out in the UK, this panel highlights and describes the opportunities and challenges of working with vulnerable communities to tell their stories, and the methods and techniques employed by the panelists to overcome the particular demands this creates.

The panel will be hosted by Karen Martin (Centre for Architecture and Sustainable Environments, University of Kent) and will include a representative from the organisation Mapping for Change.

The event is free, but please register for a space via Eventbrite.

A full programme for Cities Methodologies can be found here.

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