19th October 2024


 We asked our alumni ‘What one academic book would you recommend to students starting the MSc?’

These books were recommended by more than one person:

Michael de Certeau - The Practice of Everyday Life
Henri Lefebvre - The Production of Space
David Harvey - Rebel Cities: From the Right to the City to the Urban Revolution
Jonathan Raban - Soft City
Jennifer Robinson - Ordinary Cities

These were some other responses:

Matthew Gandy - Concrete and Clay
Neil Brenner; Peter Marcuse; Margit Mayer - Cities for people not for profit
Stephen Graham and Simon Marvin - Splintering Urbanism
Nigel Thrift and Ash Amin - Cities: Reimagining the Urban
Kevin Lynch - The image of the city
Donna Haraway - Cyborg Manifesto
David Harvey - The Limits to Capital
Chantal Mouffe – on the political
Fran Tonkiss - Space, the City and Social Theory
Marshal Berman - All that is Solid Melts into Air
Matthew Gandy (ed.) - Urban Constellations
Marshal Berman - On the Town
Nicholas Blomley - Unsettling the City
Ruth Glass (ed.) - London: Aspects of Change
Henri Lefebvre - Writing on Cities

CitiesMethodologies Exhibition 2010. Photograph Daniel Lobo (student 2009-2010)

CitiesMethodologies Exhibition 2010. Photograph Daniel Lobo (student 2009-2010)

Creative Cities visit to Creekside, Deptford. Photo: Andrew Harris

Creative Cities visit to Creekside, Deptford. Photo: Andrew Harris

Visit to Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park (with thanks to Ken Greenway)

Visit to Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park (with thanks to Ken Greenway)