位于Alto Hospicio的田野调查点是一座位于智利北部拥有10万居民的城市。伊基克(Iquique)是南美洲西部的重要港口城市,这座城市是邻近的伊基克的延伸,它将伊基克港与盛产铜矿的智利高地连接在一起。这类矿产工业吸引了大量来自附近国家以及智利其他地区的移民。尽管该地区资源丰富,但在政治上处于边缘化。该城市2004年才并入智利,混合了民间发展带来的不稳定性和社群发展的精神。
An Introduction to Alto Hospicio
"Me Gusta" - Researching Social Media
Family and business
"Nebraska" - A Colombian Barber in Chile
"Selfie Pain" - Tattoos on Social Media
"Sushi delivery" - social media and entrepreneurship
"La Noche Incipiente" - Social Media and Nightlife
Andean folklore
Music and protest on social media
North Chile: Meet the People
E-course: Instagram and earthquakes in northern Chile
Our researcher in Chile
Nell Haynes is a Postdoctoral Fellow at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile in Santiago. She received her PhD in Anthropology from the American University in 2013. Her research addresses themes of performance, authenticity, globalisation, and gendered and ethnic identification in Bolivia and Chile.