Talks by Dmitri Vassiliev

Recent and upcoming talks

30 January 2007, Brunel University, Mathematical Physics Seminar. Abstract. Slides.

17 April 2007, 59th British Mathematical Colloquium, Swansea University. Abstract. Slides.

10 July 2007, 18th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Sydney, Australia. Abstract. Slides.

29 August 2007, Origins town meeting, UCL. Abstract. Slides.

21, 22 and 26 November 2007, Cardiff, Swansea and Birmingham Universities. Abstract. Slides.

5 December 2007, Inaugural Lecture, UCL. Slides.

1 July 2008, conference Analysis, PDEs and Applications on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Vladimir Maz'ya, Rome, Italy. Abstract. Slides.

1 September 2008, International Conference on Partial Differential Equations and Spectral Theory, Goslar, Germany. Abstract. Slides.

11 November 2008, International Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematical Sciences, Bahrain. Abstract. Slides.

30 January 2009, Mathematics Colloquium, King's College London. Abstract. Slides.

13 February 2009, Mathematical Foundations meeting, UCL. Slides.

17 July 2009, 12th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Paris. Abstract. Slides.

29 April 2010, OxPDE Lunchtime Seminar, Oxford. Abstract. Slides.

8 July 2010, University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Abstract. Slides.

1 September 2010, STAMM 2010 (International Symposium on Trends in Applications of Mathematics to Mechanics), Berlin. Abstract. Slides.

12 November 2011, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT). Web presentation given as part of events marking MIPT's 60th anniversary. Abstract (in Russian). Slides (in Russian).

3 February 2012, High Energy Physics Seminar, UCL. Abstract. Slides.

7 February 2012, Colloquium, University of Reading. Abstract. Slides.

23 March 2012, Paris-London Analysis Seminar, Queen Mary University of London. Abstract. Slides.

31 March 2012, Workshop Around scattering by obstacles and billiards, Aveiro (Portugal). Slides.

3 April 2012, Workshop MOPNET 6, University of Bath. Abstract. Slides.

10 May 2012, Meeting Dissipative Spectral Theory: Operator Theory, PDEs and Numerics, Cardiff University. Abstract. Slides.

24 May 2012, Brunel University, Applied Mathematics and Analysis Seminar. Abstract. Slides.

3 August 2012, Workshop New developments in relativistic quantum mechanics and applications, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge. Abstract. Slides. And here is the video of my talk.

18 September 2012, Workshop Mathematics and physics of disordered systems (follow-up meeting), Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge. Abstract. Slides. And here is the video of my talk.

23 November 2012, UCL ADM Maths Society. Abstract. Slides.

24 May 2013, Conference Complex Analysis and Dynamical Systems VI, Nahariya, Israel. Abstract. Slides.

15 September 2014, Thirteenth International Conference Zaragoza-Pau on Mathematics and its Applications, Jaca, Spain. Abstract. Slides.

20 November 2014, University of Manchester, Geometry Seminar. Abstract. Slides.

25 March 2015, Workshop Periodic and Other Ergodic Problems, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge. Abstract. Slides. And here is the video of my talk.

17 July 2015, 14th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Rome. Abstract. Slides.

26 August 2015, Workshop Modern Theory of Wave Equations, Erwin Schrodinger International Institute for Mathematical Physics, Vienna. Abstract. Slides.

25 September 2015, Colloque des sciences mathematiques du Quebec, Montreal. Abstract. Slides.

14 April 2016, University of Miami, Colloquium. Abstract. Slides.

20 July 2016, Durham Symposium Mathematical and Computational Aspects of Maxwell's Equations. Abstract. Slides. And here is the video of my talk.

26 April 2017, European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna. Abstract. Slides.

16 May 2017, First Hermann Minkowski Meeting on the Foundations of Spacetime Physics, Albena, Bulgaria. Abstract. Slides.

10 June 2017, International Summer School on hypercomplex numbers, Lie groups, and applications, Varna, Bulgaria. Abstract. Slides.

21 June 2017, Memorial conference on spectral theory of partial differential operators, Institut Mittag-Leffler, Djursholm, Sweden. Abstract. Slides.

29 August 2017, Geometric foundations of gravity in Tartu, Tartu, Estonia. Abstract. Slides.

12 October 2017, London Analysis and Probability Seminar. Abstract. Slides.

17 October 2017, Symmetry 2017, Barcelona, Spain. Abstract. Slides.

29 November 2017, University of Miami, Geometry and Physics Seminar. Abstract. Slides.

19 January 2018, University of Warwick, Mathematics Colloquium. Abstract. Slides.

24 January 2018, London Analysis and Probability Seminar. Abstract. Slides.

14 February 2018, University of Vienna, Mathematical Physics Seminar. Abstract. Slides.

29 June 2018, An Analyst, a Geometer and a Probabilist Walk Into a Bar, Cardiff. Abstract. Slides.

14 July 2018, BMS Mathematical Conference 2018, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Abstract. Slides.

13 December 2018, University of Potsdam, Differential Geometry Seminar. Abstract. Slides.

18 December 2018, Queen Mary University of London, Meeting of the UK Network on Hyperbolic Equations and Related Topics. Abstract. Slides.

17 May 2019, University of Sussex, Workshop Sussex Analysis: Then and Now. Abstract. Slides.

13 June 2019, Operators, Functions, and Systems of Mathematical Physics Conference, Baku, Azerbaijan. Abstract. Slides.

13 December 2019, Inverse Problems Network Meeting 6, Manchester. Abstract. Slides.

28 May 2020, Scattering, microlocal analysis and renormalisation, Institut Mittag-Leffler, Djursholm, Sweden. Abstract. Slides.

21 April 2021, Seminar in Mathematical Physics, Saint Petersburg State University. Abstract. Slides.

6 December 2021, Cardiff Analysis Seminar. Abstract.

13 June 2022, Workshop on Analysis and PDEs, University of Sussex. Abstract.

22-24 November 2022, Mini-Course on Spectral Asymptotics, Ghent University. Slides 1, Slides 2, Slides 3, Slides 4, Slides 5, Slides 6.

9 December 2022, Analysis Seminar, Heriot-Watt University. Abstract.

9 May 2023, Workshop on Spectral Geometry and Applications, Québec City, Canada. Abstract. Slides.

30 May 2024, Analysis and Geometry Seminar, University of Bristol. Slides.

24 June - 6 July 2024, Summer School and Conference "Analysis, PDEs and Applications", Yerevan, Armenia. Slides for the summer school. Slides for the conference.

22-26 July 2024, Advances in Spectral Theory, LMS-Bath Symposium. Slides.

9-13 September 2024, UK Workshop on Spectral Theory, ICMS, Bayes Centre, Edinburgh. Slides.

Updated 7 September 2024