Current positions

2024 - present: Associate Professor in Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford

2024 - present: Tutorial Fellow in Mathematics, Keble College, University of Oxford

Previous employment

2023 - 2024: Associate Professor in Applied Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, University College London

2021 - 2023: Assistant Professor in Applied Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, University College London

2018 - 2021: Hooke Research Fellow, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford

2015 - 2018: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Synthetic Biology Research Centre, University of Nottingham

2014 - 2015: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford


2022: Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy, Advance HE

2010 - 2014: DPhil, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford

2006 - 2010: MMath (First-class honours), Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford

Research interests

Biological signalling, Carbon recycling, Cleaning and decontamination, Cryopreservation, Fluid mechanics, Membrane filtration, Microswimmer motion, Moving boundary problems, Multiscale mass and fluid transport, Mathematical modelling, Singular perturbation theory, Synthetic Biology, Tissue engineering, Viscous levitation, Quorum sensing.


Awards and prizes

Nomination for Active Student Partnership Award, University College London (2022)

Contributed Talk Prize, Society of Mathematical Biology Annual Conference (2021)

Departmental Teaching Award, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford (2019)

Exceptional Performance Award, School of Life Sciences, University of Nottingham (2018)

G-Research DPhil Prize in Quantitative Methods, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford (2015)

Senior Scholarship x2, Lincoln College, University of Oxford (2012-4)

Lord Crewe Scholarship x2, Lincoln College, University of Oxford (2008-10)

Grants and funding

EPSRC Small Grant, EPSRC (EP/W032317/1) (2022-23)

Hooke Research Fellowship, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford (2018-21)

QJMAM Fund for Applied Mathematics, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (2020)

UK Regenerative Medicine Platform Pump Priming Fund, University of Oxford (2019-20)

EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account: Doctoral Impact Scheme, University of Oxford (2019-20)

IMA Small Grant, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (2019)

EPSRC Doctoral Training Grant, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford (2010-4)


Lecturing at University College London

1st year: Mathematics for Science 1

Classes at University College London

1st year: Mathematics for Science 1

Lecturing at Oxford

Graduate course: Continuum Models in Industry. Guest lecturer for the InFoMM course.

Tutorials/intercollegiate classes at Oxford

Prelims (1st year): Geometry II

Part A (2nd year): Calculus of Variations, Classical Mechanics, Differential Equations 1, Differential Equations 2, Fluids and Waves, Integral Transforms, Mathematical Modelling in Biology

Part B (3rd year): Viscous Flow

Part C (4th year): Applied Complex Variables, Perturbation Methods

Supervisory roles

PhD students

George Booth (University of Oxford, 2020 - 2023): Co-supervised with Pierre-Alexis Mouthuy, Sarah Waters, and Cathy Ye.

Molly Brennan (University College London, 2022 - present): Co-supervise with Philip Pearce and Edwina Yeo.

Meredith Ellis (University of Oxford, 2019 - 2022): Co-supervised with Helen Byrne and Sarah Waters.

Vivienne Leech (University College London, 2022 - present): Co-supervise with Angelika Manhart.

Wesley Ridgway (University of Oxford, 2020 - present): Co-supervise with Jon Chapman and Philip Pearce.

CDT mini-projects

Georgia Brennan (University of Oxford, 2020)

Meredith Ellis x2 (University of Oxford, 2019)

Matthew Shirley (University of Oxford, 2019)

Masters students

Manita Bhardwaj (University of Nottingham, 2017)

Guannan Chen (University of Oxford, 2019)

Maryam Mohammed (University of Nottingham, 2016)

Clara Song (University College London, 2021-2022)

Rumin Sun (University College London, 2023-2024)

Shenghao Zhang (University College London, 2022-2023)

Other academic activities

PhD viva examining

Emily Gracie (University of Manchester, 2024)

Francisco Berkemeier (University College London, 2022)

Georgina Al-Badri (University College London, 2022)

George Price (University of Manchester, 2021)

Marc Calvo Schwarzwälder (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2019)

Events organized

Industrial and Applied Mathematics seminar co-organiser, University of Oxford, 2018-2021

SMB 2020 Biofluids and Transport Minisymposium co-organiser, 2020

Fluid Mechanics of Cleaning and Decontamination meeting co-organiser, University of Oxford, 2019

Page last updated 1 July 2024