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14. The War Comes Home

1. What was the New Left?
2. How do you account for the growth of student radicalism in the early 1960s?
3. What did Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) belive in and how do you account for their remarkable rise and fall?

Required Reading
William H. Chafe, "1968", chapter 12 of The Unfinished Journey
Robert D. Schulzinger, "Bringing the War Home: 1964-1967" in A time for war : the United States and Vietnam, 1941-1975 (Oxford University Press, 1997), pp. 215-245

Further Reading
Dominick Cavallo, "The Politics of Liberty and Community: Students for a Democratic Society, 1960-1965" in A fiction of the past : the sixties in American history (Palgrave, 1999), pp. 189-213

Robert Buzzanco, Vietnam and the Transformation of American Life, especially chapters 5 and 8
E. J. Dionne, Jr, "Freedom Now: The New Left and the Assault on Liberalism", and "The Virtues of Virtue: The Neoconservative revolt", chapters 1 and 2 of Why do Americans Hate Politics?
Alan Brinkley, "The Therapeutic Radicalism of the New Left", chapter 12 of Liberalism and its Discontents
Kenneth Cmiel, "The Politics of Civility" in Farber, ed., The Sixties: From Memory to History, pp. 263-290
Maurice Isserman and Michael Kazin, "The Failure and Success of the New Radicalism", in Fraser and Gerstle, eds, The Rise and Fall of the New Deal Order
Article on former Weatherman Mark Rudd at Salon.com

Primary Documents

Martin Luther King speaks out against the war, April 4, 1967 (audio and text)
Anti-war posters
Vietnam on TV
Bill Clinton, letter to the draft board, 1969
Link to sources about SDS, RYM and other radical groups
LBJ speech announcing he will not seek re-election, March 31, 1968
Black Panther Party: Platform and Program (1966) [N.B. THIS IS A WORD DOCUMENT]
The Students for a Democratic Society's Port Huron Statement, 1962, courtesy of the University of Virginia "Sixties Project"
President Johnson's Address to the Nation, 1968, from the LBJ Library