Lecture List  Course Information  Bibliography 




The Making of Modern America is an introduction to the key themes and events in twentieth century American history and suggests a framework within which this history can be understood. The lectures will focus on the competing visions of America that have shaped culture, society and politics since the 1920s. There will be one lecture each week which will introduce each topic and provide an overview of the principal areas of debate. In each term there will also be seven seminars which will explore the topic of that week's lecture, usually through discussion of primary sources. The syllabus provides a list of key readings for each week together with links to primary sources.

By the end of the course you should have:
~gained a good general knowledge and understanding of key themes in the history of the United States since 1920
~critically engaged with a varied scholarly literature
~developed a range of critical skills relevant to the successful completion of a history degree such as the ability to sift and synthesize large quantities of evidence; the skill of constructing an argument in written and oral form and the careful analysis of primary and secondary sources

All students except one-term affiliates are assessed on the basis of two essays (which count for 25% of your final mark) and one three hour exam (worth 75%).
Together the two coursework essays should total about 5,000 words (including footnotes but excluding bibliography). You must achieve a pass in both your coursework and your examination in order to pass the course.

Students who attend the whole year must hand in their first essay by 5 pm on Monday 10th December and the second essay must be handed in by Monday 17 March. These are departmental deadlines. Late essays will be penalised. Please also make sure you are aware of departmental guidelines on plagiarism. Note that deadlines for one-term affiliates are different.

More Information
Teaching Rooms and Class Times, 2007-2008
Penalties for late submission and plagiarism

Essay Questions
For one-term affiliates
Advice on revision [this is a word document]
For students doing the 1A essay