
UCL Anthropology


Instructions for presenters (demo)

Instructions for DEMO presenters

Time schedule:  

  • During your demo session, at least one person should be near the table to provide explanations and answer questions.  

  • There are no short summary presentations unlike poster presentations.  

Presentation environment:  

  • Demo presenters can use:  
    one poster panel with a width of 0.9 meters and a height of 1.8 meters,  
    a table with a width of 1.8 meters and a depth of 0.6 meters, Wi-Fi connection, and  
    a power outlet. 

  • The height of the table is 0.7 meters and will be placed in front of the poster panel, so we recommend an **A2 portrait** poster size. 

  • Tape will be provided to hang your poster. 

  • Wi-Fi connection is available yet limited.  

  • Please remove the poster at the end of the day.