
UCL Anthropology



Emerging Subjects is funded for 52 months during which we will have milestones and objectives to meet.  This is the preliminary list:

Year 1 (Sept 2014-Sept 2015)

  • The two PhD Students develop their projects and upgrade from MPhil to PhD status. PhD students study Mongolian in U.K. and in Mongolia in the summer.
  • Postdocs project research in U.K & one short fieldwork trip each.
  • PI supervise PhDs and oversee Postdoc projects, and theoretical reading and writing for own project on vernacular capitalism.
  • Administrative Assistant, at 40% for years 1, 4 & 5: carry out background research, 
oversee development of website, arrange for visas and travel for researchers. 
The administrator will assist with visa and travel documents, help with initial bibliographic research, update the website and manage the database, among other tasks such as administering the grant.

· Group meets every few weeks for research group & every month for reading group.

· Design and set up website, including identifying links and uploading articles.

Major milestones: PhD upgrades and fieldwork clearance. Language training. Reading & Research groups established. Website up. Postdoc prelim fieldtrips.

Year 2 (Sept 2015-Sept 2016)

  • PhD Students on Approx. 16 months fieldwork.
  • 2 periods of fieldwork for 2 Postdoctoral researchers and PI over years 2 & 3.
  • Administrator to collect transcribed interviews, to file materials, arrange for translations, update website, coordinate between researchers.
  • PI to begin writing own monograph on vernacular capitalism.
  • PhDs, Postdoctoral researchers (postdocs) and PI to write fieldwork reports.

· Postdocs, PhDs and PI all meeting mid-year to discuss findings.

· Administrator at 20% to collect transcribed interviews, to file materials, arrange for translations, update website, coordinate between researchers, and arrange travel.

Major milestones: Mid-year meeting for whole research group. PhDs to write fieldwork reports. Postdocs and PI to write fieldwork reports. All reports to be circulated.

Year 3 (Sept 2016-Sept 2017)

· PhDs return (after approx 4 months) to analyse materials and write thesis.

· Postdocs & PI one fieldtrip each.

  • Final analysis and writing year for Postdoctoral researchers & PI.
  • Resume research and reading groups.
  • Administrative Assistant at 20% to begin to invite identified workshop participants and arrange workshop. To update website and manage database and arrange transcriptions. 

  • Postdoctoral researchers & PI to write monographs and articles

Major milestones: Postdocs 1 and 2 & PI write monographs & articles based on their research. Resume research & reading groups. Postdocs finish at end of year

Year 4 (Sept 2017- Sept 2018)

  • Workshop on boom/bust economies. Workshop papers collected and sent to publishers for review.
  • PhD theses completed and submitted.
  • Curating photographs for exhibition based on field images. Photography exhibition. Invite people for conference.

  • Administrative Assistant at 40%: workshop, exhibition, conference, update website
  • PhD write articles from thesis for workshop / edited volume
  • Curate and launch the exhibition.

Major milestones: Three PhDs completed. Hold workshop on boom/bust economies, papers from workshop collected and sent to publishers for review. Collating images and launching exhibition. Invite people for conference.

Year 5 (Sept 2018-Dec 2018)

  • Conference on economic wellbeing.
  • PI works on edited volume from Workshop & Conference. N.B.: year 5 is three months only. End of Project.

Major milestones: Publish articles. Hold conference at UCL. Edited volume from conference to publishers.