
UCL Day Nursery


Accidents and Illness

Staff at the UCL Day Nursery are fully trained in first aid and if appropriate the Nursery manager will ask that a child is taken home after an accident or injury.


While every effort is made to ensure that the Nursery is safe, accidents, of course, occasionally happen. Fortunately these are usually minor bumps and scrapes which can be dealt with by Nursery staff. The staff will also record these accidents and inform you of them when you collect your child.

In the case of more serious injury a parent will be contacted immediately. If for any reason we are unable to contact the parent or any of their emergency names and numbers, the Nursery staff may at the discretion of the Nursery manager seek medical advice and if necessary treatment at University College Hospital Accident and Emergency department.


Parents are asked not to bring a child who is ill to the Nursery. 

Should a child appear unwell during the course of the day, the parent will be contacted and may be asked to take the child home.

Spots and rashes must be seen by a doctor to confirm or rule out any infectious diseases. Children who contact any infectious diseases must remain home for the minimum period of exclusion from the Nursery.


Medication can only be administered with the written consent of the parent by completing an authorisation form and must be prescribed by a doctor. Any child on prescribed medication must remain home for the first 48 hours of treatment.