UCL Day Nursery Health and Safety Policy
It is our policy to provide a safe and healthy environment for all our staff, children, parents and other users of the nursery.
Staff are aware of the importance of implementing health and safety initiatives and will do their best to ensure that there are no injuries to the children, themselves or other users.
It is our intention to ensure that there is a qualified First Aider on the premises. The First Aid boxes are readily available and fully stocked. They are kept in the marked cupboard in the office, in each play room and in the kitchen and nappy-changing area.
Only prescribed medicine can be administered to the children in our care. A medicine book will be available to record details provided by parents or carers, recording the times of dosage of medicines to be given to their child. The book is to be signed and is kept in the office. All medicines are locked away in the medical cabinet out of the children's reach.
If a child becomes ill whilst in our care, we will take every step to contact parents/carers. If this is not possible we will ensure that the child receives the best care and seek alternative responsible measures if necessary until the parent/carer arrives. Parents/carers are expected to co-operate with us by not bringing children to the nursery if they have a temperature, any infectious or contagious illness or significant injury that will impair the child’s ability to be actively involved in the nursery environment . Staff will also be asked not to attend work under the same circumstances.
An accident book is available which must be filled in if any child or member of staff sustains injury whilst on the premises. Details of how, where, when and to whom the accident happened must be recorded by the member of staff who saw and dealt with the injury.
The treatment given must also be recorded. Parents will then be given an accident form detailing the injury sustained and asked to sign the accident book on receiving the information.
We will always act on advice given by agencies such as Ofsted, Environmental Health and the London Fire Brigade.
Last updated: Wednesday, June 27, 2018