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Pictorial Material:

Picture 1 | Picture 2 (Charles V) | Picture 3 (Prince of Orange)|

Please study the prints below.

The picture, entitled 'Anneken uyten hove gedolven', shows an engraving by an anonymous artist and is part of a series of 18, entitled 'The Spanish Tyrants in the Netherlands'. Its exact date is unknown but dates from after 1597. The original engravings are held by the Stichting Atlas van Stolk in Rotterdam.

Text continues below print. In order to test your understanding of the print click >here.


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Om te met besluyt te maecken
Een hier tot een eynt te raecken Brengen wy een staeltien voort
Hoe dees Dochter is vermoort Levendich in d'aerdt gedolven Hebben haer de wreede Wolven
Om door dit gemaeckte graff
Haer van Godt te treckken aff

Doch volstandich tot den ende
Dit onnoosel Schaep bekende Godes wil en Heylich woort
Daer om dat sy wert gesmoort Och onweettende gemoeden
Waer mee wilt gy dat vergoeden Als u Godt eens reden eyst U te recht hier op bepeys

Modern English version of caption:

By way of conclusion And to make an end We present here an example Of how this daughter is murdered The cruel wolves have Buried here alive in the ground And made this grave In order to take her away from God['s grace]

Yet, firm to the end This innocent lamb avowed God's will and holy word For which she was murdered O unwitting minds Wherewith will you make amends Should God ever asks you for the reason Reflect on this thoroughly.










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Picture 2:

The picture shows an engraving of Charles V which is held by the Stichting Atlas van Stolk in Rotterdam. It bears the inscription (translated from Latin): "Charles V, Emperor of the Romans by the Grace of God, ever august and undefeated Caesar [Kaiser]". Charles V is shown wearing the insignia of the illustrious Order of the Golden Fleece.

In order to test your understanding of the print click >here.

engraving of Charles V

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Picture 3:

The picture shows an engraving of William of Orange which is held by the Stichting Atlas van Stolk in Rotterdam. It bears the inscription (translated from Latin): "William of Nassau, Prince of Orange, Lord of Breda [home of the family palace], Governor of Holland, Zeeland, etc."

In order to test your understanding of the print click >here.

engraving of William of Orange

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