Water resources is a relatively new research theme for the UCLHC, having commenced in 2009 through a project examining the stress on water resources in the Hindu Kush–Himalaya region. The theme has grown rapidly since then. Projects include:
- 2012–2015. Water Risk and its Management in Bolivia’s Altiplano Development Strategy
- 2013–2016. Living with Mine Waste: Developing a Decision-making Tool for Reducing Water Contamination Risk
- 2013–2016. Environmental Impacts and Risks to Natural Resources from Mega-dams in the Amazon Basin: a Study of the Proposed Cachuela Esperanza Dam, Northeast Bolivia
- The Waters of the Third Pole: Sources of Threat, Sources of Survival
- Environmental impacts and risks to natural resources from mega-dams in the Amazon basin: the proposed Cachuela Esperanza dam, northeast Bolivia