
Information Studies


Pete Williams: Publications



Book chapters

Journal articles


Conference abstracts

Book reviews




Williams P (2020) Learning Disabilities and e-Information: navigating the electronic hypermaze Bingley: Emerald ISBN: 978-1-78973-152-1, eISBN: 978-1-78973-151-4

Williams P, Nicholas D (2001) The Internet and the changing information environment London: Aslib ISBN: 0-85142-404-X

Nicholas D, Williams P, Martin H, Cole P (1999) The Media and the Internet London: Aslib ISBN: 0-85142-415-5

Nicholas D, Huntington P, Jamali HR, Williams P (2007) Digital Health Information for the Consumer: Evidence and Policy Implications Aldershot: Ashgate ISBN: 0 7546 4803 6

Book chapters

Williams P (2019) Accessibility, disability, technology and ethics in Quinn M, Byrne B, Jayakumar R (Eds.) (2019) Ethics for the information age London: Pearson/University of Hertfordshire

Williams P, Cutler S (2020) Qualitative methods and analysis in Ramoul, A. (Ed.), Medical imaging and radiotherapy research – skills and strategies, Elsevier, London Revised edition pp.323-359.

Williams P (2012) Comparing the effectiveness of different website designs in facilitating information retrieval for people with learning disabilities in Gómez Chova L, López Martínez A, Candel Torres I ICERI2012 Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation November 19th-21st, 2012 Madrid, Spain: International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED) pp.0123-0133 [CD-ROM]

Williams P, Wilford B, Cutler S (2010) Qualitative analysis in Ramoul, A. (Ed.), Medical imaging and radiotherapy research – skills and strategies, Elsevier, London pp.209-232.

Williams P, Rowlands I, John J (2009) Digital Lives how people create, manipulate and store their personal digital archives in Warwick C (Chair) Digital Humanities 2009 Conference Abstracts Washington: Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities pp297-299

Williams P, Fieldhouse M, Rowlands I (2008) The Google generation: myths and realities about young people’s digital information behaviour in Nicholas D, Rowlands I (Eds) Digital Consumers: reshaping the information professions London: Facet pp159-192

Williams P, Minnion A (2007) Exploring the challenges of developing digital literacy in the context of special educational needs in Andretta S (Ed) Change and challenge: information literacy for the 21st Century Adelaide, Australia: Auslib Press pp115-144

Beaulieu M, Gatford M, Huang X, Robertson S, Walker S, Williams P (1997) Okapi At Trec-5 in Voorhees EM, Harman D (Eds) The Fifth Text Retrieval Conference, MD: NIST pp143-166 Note: now available online: http://trec.nist.gov/pubs/trec5/t5_proceedings.html

Cutler S, Williams P (2020) Planning your research study in Ramoul, A. (Ed.), Medical imaging and radiotherapy research – skills and strategies, Elsevier, London pp.101-116.

Nicholas D, Huntington P, Williams P, Dobrowolski T (2006) The digital information consumer in Spink A, Cole C New Directions in Human Information Behaviour Dordrecht, Holland: Springer pp203-228

Nicholas D, Huntington P, Williams P, Gunter, B. (2003) Health information and health benefits: a case study of digital interactive television information users. in Wilson D, Barrulas MJ (Eds) The new review of information behaviour research: studies of information seeking in context Volume 4 London: Taylor Graham pp177-194

Nicholas D, Huntington P, Williams P, Gunter B (2001) Delivering consumer health information digitally: platform comparisons in Graham C (Ed) Online Information 2001 Conference Proceedings Oxford: Learned Information Limited pp145-153

Nicholas D, Williams P (1999) The changing information environment: the impact of the Internet on information seeking behaviour in the media in Wilson TD and Allen DK Exploring the contexts of information behaviour London: Taylor Graham pp451-462

Nicholas D, Williams P, Martin H, Cole P (1997) The Changing Information Environment: the impact of the Internet on information seeking behaviour in the media in Raitt DI, Blake P, Jeapes B (Eds) Online Information 1997 Conference Proceedings Oxford: Learned Information Limited pp181-185

Nicholas D, Williams P, Martin H, Cole P (1998) Journalists and the Internet: how they use it, what they think of it in NetMedia 98 Conference Proceedings, London: City University [unpaginated]

Wilford B, Cutler S, Williams P (2010) Planning your research study in Ramoul, A. (Ed.), Medical imaging and radiotherapy research – skills and strategies, Elsevier, London pp.67-76.

Journal articles

Williams P (1999) Net Generation: the experiences, attitudes and behaviour of children using the Internet for their own purposes Aslib Proceedings 50(9) October pp315-322

Williams P (2000) Using electronic media for the teaching of basic skills: the Capabil-IT-y experience Ad-Lib: The Journal for Continuing Adult Education 16 October pp11-12

Williams P (2001) Learning Area Network: information dissemination and online discussion in an educational environment: the Capabil-IT-y project Aslib Proceedings 53(3) March pp99-107

Williams P (2002) The learning Web: the development, implementation and evaluation of Internet based undergraduate materials for the teaching of key skills Active Learning in Higher Education 3(1) pp40-53

Williams P (2005) Using information and communication technology with special educational needs students: the views of frontline professionals Aslib Proceedings 57(6) pp539-553

Williams P (2006) Developing methods to evaluate web usability with people with learning difficulties British Journal of Special Education 33 (4) pp173-179

Williams P (2006) Exploring the challenges of developing digital literacy in the context of special educational needs communities. Italics: innovations in teaching and learning in information and computer sciences (the electronic journal of the Higher Education Academy subject centre for information and computer sciences) 5(1) Available online: http://www.ics.heacademy.ac.uk/italics/vol5-1/webpages/Williams_final.htm (posted 21.05.06)

Williams P (2008) Transition and people with learning disabilities: reflections on the quality of content that emerges from the process of involving service-users in information provision Aslib Proceedings 60(5) pp474-492

Williams P (2011) Barriers to the Creation and Use of an Accessible Web Portal for People with Learning Disabilities International Journal of Education 3(2) e21 Available at: http://www.macrothink.org/journal/index.php/ije/article/view/1283

Williams P (2012) Web site usability testing involving people with learning disabilities using only images and audio to access information Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs 13(2)pp.142-151

Williams P (2014) Avaliação de websites por pessoas com deficiência de aprendizagem (Website evaluation by people with learning disabilities) Informação & Informação 19(3) pp.30-54

Williams P (2015) Studying web usability with people with Learning Disabilities: what the literature tells us Informação & Informação, 20(3) pp.39–76

Williams P (2017) A picture is worth 1,000 words: depicting web page menu entries using images for people with learning disabilities Educação em Análise (Brazilian journal) 2(2) pp. 271-302

Williams P (2017) Eliciting web site preferences of people with learning disabilities Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs 17(1) pp.49-63

Williams P (2017) The digital lives of people with learning disabilities: Methodological considerations Proceedings of the Conference of the International Journal of Arts and Sciences 10(03) pp.209–214 [CD-ROM]

Williams P (2019) A Tangled Web? How People with Learning Disabilities Negotiate the World Wide Web: The Accumulating Evidence International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing 8(4) pp.317-324

Williams P (2019) Gatekeepers and support for research involving people with learning disabilities. European Journal of Special Needs Education 35(1)pp.23-24

Williams P (2019) Smartphones and people with learning disabilities: self-reported barriers to effective usage. Proceedings of the International Academic Conference on Teaching, Learning and E-learning in Budapest (IAC-TLEl), Budapest, Hungary, on March 15 -16, 2019. pp.7-16

Williams P (2019). Facebook use by people with learning disabilities: The case for facilitated, guided autonomy. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences6(5), pp.99-108. 

Williams P (2020) ‘It all sounds very interesting, but we’re just too busy!’: exploring why ‘gatekeepers’ decline access to potential research participants with learning disabilities (Symposium paper) European Journal of Special Needs Education, 35(1) pp.1-14,

Williams P (2020) The ‘Collaborative Personal Statement’: a more inclusive method of data-gathering than audio recording interviews with vulnerable people European Journal of Special Needs Education Jan 3; pp.1–16. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/08856257.2019.1706256

Williams P (2021) Ethical considerations and dilemmas when undertaking ‘inclusive’ research with vulnerable people International Journal of Pedagogical Advances in Technology-Mediated Education 2(1) pp.18-25 Accessible at: http://patme-journal.iatels.com/index.php/patme/article/view/ethical-con...

Williams P (2022) Creating a Living Electronic Archive With and About People With Learning Disabilities: Methodological Considerations International Journal of Pedagogical Advances in Technology-Mediated Education 2(3) pp. 39-48

Williams P Shekhar S (2019) People with learning disabilities and smartphones: testing the usability of a touch-screen interface Education Sciences 9(4) e263

Williams P, Bunning K, Kennedy H (2007) ICTs and learning disability: multidisciplinary perspectives on Project @pple Aslib Proceedings 59(1) pp97-112 [Winner, Emerald Literati Network Outstanding Paper Award, 2008]

Williams P, Cendón, B (2019) Mobile technology and everyday living: case study of the impact of mobile devices on people with learning disabilities in Brazil International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing 8(4) pp.167-176

Williams P, Dean K, Rowlands I, John J (2008) Digital Lives: Report of Interviews with the Creators of Personal Digital Collections Ariadne 55 http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue55/williams-et-al/ (posted 25.04.08)

Williams P, Dennis K, Nicholas D. (2005). An evaluation of the websites of charities and voluntary organisations providing support for young people: case study: Drugscope Webology 2 (3) Article 16. http://www.webology.ir/2005/v2n3/a16.html (Posted: 01.09.05)

Williams P, Gibson P (2020) CVT Connect: Creating safe and accessible social media for people with learning disabilities Journal of Technology and Disability 32(2), pp. 81-92

Williams P, Gunter B (2006) Triangulating qualitative research and computer transaction logs in health information studies Aslib Proceedings 58(1-2) pp129-139

Williams P, Gunter B, Nicholas D (2006) Health education online: issues arising from the development and roll-out of a pilot distance education programme for NHS staff Health Education 106(3) pp210-226

Williams P, Hanson-Baldauf D (2010) Testing a Web information portal for people with learning disabilities Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs 10(1) pp42-51

Williams P, Hennig C (2015a) The effect of web page menu orientation on retrieving information by people with Learning Disabilities Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 66(4) pp.674-683 

Williams P, Hennig C (2015b) Optimising website designs for people with learning disabilities Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs 15(1) pp25-36

Williams P, Huntington P (2003) Editorial: Health Informatics: inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary perspectives Aslib Proceedings 55 (5/6) pp258-26

Williams P, Huntington P, Nicholas D (2000) Remote health information for the patient: a touch screen kiosk in action Managing Information 7(9) November pp72-75

Williams P, Huntington P, Nicholas D (2000) Women on the web: why the Internet may still be a male dominated information system Online and CD Notes 13(9) November pp5-9

Williams P, Huntington P, Nicholas D. (2003) Health information on the Internet: a qualitative study of NHS Direct Online users. Aslib Proceedings 55 (5/6) 2003, pp304-312

Williams P, Jamali HR, Nicholas D (2006) Using ICT with people with special educational needs: what the literature tells us Aslib Proceedings 58(4) pp330-345

Williams P, John JL, Rowlands I (2009) The personal curation of digital objects: A lifecycle approach Aslib Proceedings 61(4) pp340-363

Williams P, Madle G, Weinberg J, Kostova P, Mani-Saada J (2004) Information for the public about disease: usability issues in the development of the National Electronic Library for Communicable Diseases Aslib Proceedings 56(2) pp99-103

Williams P, Nicholas D (1997) Journalists, news librarians and the Internet New Library World August 98(1137) pp217-223 [Awarded "highly commended" certificate in the 1998 Literati Club MCB University Press Awards for Excellence, 1998]

Williams P, Nicholas D (1998) Not an age thing! Greynetters in the newsroom defy the stereotype New Library World 99(1142) June pp143-148

Williams P, Nicholas D (1998) The Internet, a regional newspaper and an attempt to provide ‘value added’ information Aslib Proceedings 50(9) October pp255-263

Williams P, Nicholas D (1999) The migration of the news to the Net Aslib Proceedings 51(4) April pp122-134

Williams P, Nicholas D (2001) Navigating the news Net: how news consumers read the electronic version of a daily newspaper Libri 51(1) March pp8-16

Williams P, Nicholas D (2005) Creating online resources for the vulnerable Library and Information Update 4(4) pp30-31

Williams P, Nicholas D (2006) Testing the usability of information technology applications with learners with special educational needs Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs 6(1) pp31-41

Williams P, Nicholas D (2010) Why aren’t there more black and minority ethnic LIS staff? Library and Information Update June 2010 pp47-48

Williams P, Nicholas D, Gunter B (2005) E-learning: what the literature tells us about distance education: an overview Aslib Proceedings 57(2) pp109-122

Williams P, Nicholas D, Huntington P (2001) Walk in to (digital) health information: the introduction of an digital health information system at an NHS Walk-in Centre Online and CD Notes 14(2) March pp4-7

Williams P, Nicholas D, Huntington P (2003) Home electronic health information for the consumer: user evaluation of a DiTV video-on-demand service Aslib Proceedings 55(1/2) pp. 64 - 74

Williams P, Nicholas D, Huntington P, Gunter, B. (2002) Doc dot com: reviewing the literature in digital health information. Aslib Proceedings 54 (2) pp127-141

Williams P, Nicholas D, Huntington P, McClean F (2002) Surfing for health: user evaluation of a health information web site Part 1: literature review Health Information and Libraries Journal 19 (2) pp98-108

Williams P, Nicholas D, Huntington P, McClean F. (2002) Surfing for health: user evaluation of a health information web site Part 2 - fieldwork. Health Information and Libraries Journal 19 (4) pp214-225

Williams P, Nicholas D, Huntington P. (2003) Non-use of health information kiosks examined in an information needs context Health Information and Libraries Journal 20(2) pp95-103

Williams P, Nicholas D, Martin H, Cole P[1] (1998) Journalists - not true to type? Library Association Record 100(2) Feb 98 pp84-85

Williams P, Nicholas D, Rowlands I (2010) E-Journal Usage and Impact in Scholarly Research: A Review of the Literature New Review of Academic Librarianship 16(2) pp.192-207

Williams P, Nicholas D, Rowlands I (2010) The attitudes and behaviours of illegal downloaders Aslib Proceedings 62(3) pp283-301

Williams P, Quinsee S (2003) Using WebCT to teach key skills Library and Information Update 2(2) February pp42-43

Williams P, Quinsee S (2005) Information and e-learning (editorial comment) Aslib Proceedings 57(2) pp105-108

Williams P, Sekret I (2018). Implementation of Social Media for Enhancing Learning Interactivity in Formal Education. Pedagogical Advances in Technology-Mediated Education1(1) pp.68 - 83

Williams P, Shekhar S (2019) Mobile devices and people with learning disabilities: a literature review International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing 8(2) pp.34-43

Williams P, Shepherd E, Sexton A and Lomas, E (2023) Working with care leavers and young people still in care: ethical issues in the co-development of a participatory recordkeeping app. Archival Science Available at:  https://doi.org/10.1007/s10502-023-09425-7

Williams P, Stevenson I, Nicholas D, Watkinson A, Rowlands I (2009) The role and future of the monograph in arts and humanities research Aslib Proceedings 61(1) pp67-82

Williams P, Wager L (2013) Exploring why and how journal editors retract articles: findings from a qualitative study Science and Engineering Ethics 13(1) pp.1-11

Williams, P (2009) Web site design and people with learning disabilities Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Athens, Greece 8 – 11 July (Unpaginated CD-ROM)

Allbon E, Williams P (2002) Nasties in the net: children and censorship on the web New Library World 103(1172/3) pp30-38

Beaulieu M, Williams P, Do T, Jones S (1996) SOCKER Kernel Evaluation: An analysis of searching behaviour, user perceptions and system performance Report submitted to the The Royal Library in Copenhagen, Denmark

Cendón B, Williams P (2020) Tecnologia móvel e pessoas com deficiência intelectual: estudo de caso na Apae-bh Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação, 25 (special edition) p280-299

Galliou C, De La Presa, M, Williams P,  Cendón B (2020) ShakePal: Developing and Testing a Communications App for People with Learning Disabilities, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing 9(7) pp.125-135

Gunter B, Nicholas D, Huntington P, Williams P. (2003) Digital interactive television: health information platform for the future. Aslib Proceedings 55 (5/6) 2003, pp346-356.

Gunter G, Huntington P, Williams P, Nicholas D (2001) Health advice on the TV: early opinions of users Online and CD Notes 14(9) pp4-8

Gunter G, Nicholas D, Williams P, Huntington P (2001) Is TV good for you? Library Association Record 103(9) September pp558-559

Gunter B., Nicholas, D., Huntingdon, P., & Williams, P. (2002) Online versus offline research: Implications for evaluating digital media. Aslib Proceedings 54(4) pp229-239

Hawarth A, Williams P (2012) Using QR codes to aid accessibility in a museum Journal of Assistive Technologies 6(4) pp.285-292

Huntington P, Williams P, Nicholas, D (2002) Age and gender user differences of a touch-screen kiosk: a case study of kiosk transaction log files. Journal of Informatics in Primary Care 10(1), pp3-9

Huntington P, Nicholas D, Williams P. (2003) Characterising and profiling health web users and site types: going beyond hits Aslib Proceedings 55 (5/6) pp277-289

Huntington P, Nicholas D, Williams P (2003) Comparing the use of two DiTV transmission services: same service, different outcomes Aslib Proceedings 55(1/2) pp. 52 - 63

Huntington P, Nicholas D, Williams P, Gunter, B. (2002) Comparing two digital consumer health television services using transactional log analysis Informatics in Primary Care 10 pp147-159

Huntington P, Nicholas D, Williams P, Gunter, B. (2002) Characterising the health information consumer: an examination of the health information sources used by digital television users. Libri 52(1) pp16-27

Huntington P, Nicholas D, Huntington P, Williams P, Gunter, B. (2003) An evaluation of a health video on demand service available to the public via interactive digital television Libri 53(4) pp266-281

Irvine H, Williams P (2002) Internet use in schools: an investigation into the experiences, abilities and attitudes of teachers and pupils in junior schools Aslib Proceedings 54(5) pp 317 - 325

Kwiatkowska G, Tröbinger T, Bäck K, Williams P (2012) Multimedia advocacy: a new way of self expression and communication for people with intellectual disabilities in Miesenberger K, Karshmer AI, Penaz P, Zagler WL (Eds.): Computers Helping People with Special Needs - 13th International Conference, ICCHP 2012, Linz, Austria, July 11-13, 2012, Proceedings, Part II. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7383 Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer pp. 361-368

Lorentzi M, Johansson P, Williams P (2011) Building a university library web site for Victor - an example of the personas method in Katsirikou A (Ed) Qualitative and quantitative methods in libraries, QQML 2011, international conference, May 24-27, 2011, At Athens, Greece (CD-ROM)

Madle G, Kostova P, Mani-Saada J, Weinberg J, Williams P. (2004) Changing public attitudes to antibiotic prescribing: can the internet help? Informatics in Primary Care 12(1) pp19-26

Maia M, Rodrigues R, Williams P (2019) Usabilidade e experiência do usuário de sistemas de informação: em busca de limites e relações (Usability and User experience of information systems: in search of boundaries and relationships) Ciência da Informação em Revista 6(3) pp.34-48

Nicholas D, Williams P, Rowlands I, Jamali H (2010) Researchers’ e-journal use and information seeking behaviour Journal of Information Science 36(4) pp494-516

Nicholas D, Williams P[2] (2001) Editorial: The Internet Studies Research Group Aslib Proceedings 53(4) pp110-111

Nicholas D, Williams P (1998) The Net, the journo and the news libber: a case study of the changing information environment Deadline: The newsletter of the Association of UK Media Librarians 13(3) September pp6-7

Nicholas D, Williams P (1998), Journalism and the Internet Research Bulletin of The British Library Research and Innovation Centre 20, pp9-10

Nicholas D, Williams P, Huntington P (2000) Digital health information: case study, the information kiosk Aslib Proceedings 52(9) October pp315-330

Nicholas D, Williams P, Huntington P (2001) Health information kiosk use in health organisations: the views of the health professionals Aslib Proceedings 53(9) PP368-386

Nicholas D, Williams P, Huntington P, Gunter, B. (2003) Broadband nursing: a multi-method evaluation of a one-way video-conferencing health information and advice service: 'In-vision'. Journal of Documentation 59(3) pp341-358

Nicholas D, Williams P, Huntington P, Gunter B (2002) Broadband nursing: how have the public reacted to being able to talk to an on-screen nurse for advice? Library and Information Update 1(4) pp50-51

Nicholas D, Williams P, Martin H, Cole P (1997) The Internet: it's early days, but there are some surprises Aslib Proceedings 49 (8) September pp214-216

Nicholas D, Williams P, Martin H, Cole P (1997) The Internet: the users' story Managing Information November pp28-31

Nicholas D, Williams P, Cole P, Martin H (2000) The impact of the Internet on information seeking in the media Aslib Proceedings 52 (3) March pp98-114

Nicholas D, Williams P, Dennis K (2004) Improving websites in the voluntary sector Library and Information Update 3(3) March pp35-37

Nicholas D, Dobrowolski T, Withey R, Russell C, Huntington P, Williams P (2003) Digital information consumers, players and purchasers: information seeking behaviour in the new digital interactive environment Aslib Proceedings 55(1/2) pp23 - 31

Nicholas D, Huntington P, Williams P (2001) Comparing Web and Touch Screen Transaction Log Files Journal of Medical Internet Research 3(2) June e18 http://www.jmir.org/2001/2/e18/ (posted: 26/05/01)

Nicholas D, Huntington P, Williams P, Dobrowolski T. (2004) Re-appraising information seeking behaviour in a digital environment: bouncers, checkers, returnees and the like. Journal of Documentation 60(1) pp24-39

Nicholas D, Huntington P, Williams P, Gunter B. (2003) An evaluation of the health applications (and implications) of digital interactive television: case study the ‘Living Health’ channel. Journal of Information Science 29(3) pp181-192.

Nicholas D, Gunter, B, Williams P, Huntington P (2002) DiTV – A healthy future usable iTV 2, pp13-17

Nicholas D, Gunter, B, Withey R, Huntington P, Williams P (2002) The digital information consumer: what we know about the newly information enfranchised general public. Library and Information Update 1(1) April pp32-34

Nicholas D, Huntington P, Williams P (2000) Digital health information provision for the consumer: analysis on the use of Web kiosks as a means of delivering health information He@lth on the Net 17 October pp9-11

Nicholas D, Huntington P, Williams P (2001) Health kiosk use: a national comparative study Aslib Proceedings 53(4) April pp130-140

Nicholas D, Huntington P, Williams P (2001) Searching intention and information outcome: a case study of digital health information Libri 51 pp157-166

Nicholas D, Huntington P, Williams P (2001) When titans clash: digital health information providers and the health service square up to each other Managing Information 8(3) April pp50-57

Nicholas D, Huntington P, Williams P, Blackburn P. (2001) Digital health information and health outcomes Journal of Information Science 27(4) pp265-276

Nicholas D, Huntington P, Williams P, Chahal P (2001) Determinants of health kiosk use and usefulness: case study of a kiosk which serves a multi-cultural population Libri 51(2) June pp102-113

Nicholas D, Huntington P, Williams P, Gunter B, Monopoli M (2002) The characteristics of users and non-users of a digital interactive television health service: case study the Living Health Channel Journal of Informatics in Primary Care 10(2) pp73-84

Nicholas D, Huntington P, Williams P, Lievesley N, Dobrowolski T, Withey R (1999) Developing and testing methods to determine the use of web sites: case study newspapers Aslib Proceedings 51(5) May pp144-154

Nicholas D, Huntington P, Williams P, Withey R (1999) Who’s searching the web (and how can we find out)? Information World Review 1.6.99 p17

Nicholas D, Huntington P, Williams, P (2001) Establishing metrics for the evaluation of touch screen kiosks Journal of Information Science 27 (2) pp61-71

Nicholas D, Huntington P, Williams, P (2002) Evaluating metrics for comparing the use of web sites: case study two consumer health web sites. Journal of Information Science 28 (1) pp63-75

Nicholas D, Huntington P, Williams P (2002) An evaluation of the use of NHS touch-screen health kiosks: a national study Aslib Proceedings 54 (6) pp372-384

Nicholas D, Huntington P, Williams, P. (2003) Three years of digital consumer health information: a longitudinal study the touch screen health kiosk. Information Processing and Management 39 (May) pp479-502

Nicholas D, Huntington P, Williams P (2004) The characteristics of users and non-users of a kiosk information system Aslib Proceedings 56(1) pp48-61

Nicholas D, Huntington P, Williams P, Gunter B. (2004) ‘Pregnancy Information and advice on Sky Television’ Informatics in Primary Care 12 pp 215-226

Nicholas D, Huntington P, Gunter B, Williams P. (2003) Comparing the use of health information and advice in Birmingham and Hull: a case study of digital health information delivered via the television. Journal of Informatics in Primary Care 11(2) pp75-87

Nicholas D, Huntington P, Williams P, Gunter, B. (2002) Digital visibility: menu prominence and its impact on use of the NHS Direct information channel on Kingston Interactive Television Aslib Proceedings 54(4) pp213-221

Nicholas D, Huntington P, Williams P, Gunter B. (2003) ‘Search-disclosure’: understanding digital information platform preference and location in a health environment. Journal of Documentation 59(5) pp523-539

Nicholas D, Huntington P, Williams P, Gunter, B (2003) First steps towards providing the UK with health care information and advice via their television sets: an evaluation of four Department of Health sponsored pilot services Aslib Proceedings 55 (3) pp138-154

Nicholas D, Huntington P, Williams, P, Jordan M. (2002) NHS Direct Online: its users and their concerns. Journal of Information Science 28(4) pp305-319

Nicholas D, Huntington P, Williams, P, Vickery P. (2001) Health Information: an evaluation of the use of touch screen kiosks in two hospitals. Health Information and Libraries Journal 18 (4) December pp213-219

Nicholas D, Huntington P, Williams, P. (2002) The impact of location on the use of digital information systems: case study health information kiosks. Journal of Documentation 58(3) pp284-301

Nicholas D, Huntington P, Williams, P. (2003) Delivering health information digitally: a comparison between the Web and Touch Screen Kiosk. Journal of Medical Systems 27(1) pp13-34

Nicholas D, Huntington P, Williams P, (2003) Perceptions of the authority of health information: case study Digital Interactive Television and the Internet Health Information and Libraries Journal 20(4) pp215-224

Nicholas D, Rowlands I, Clarke D, Williams P (2011) Google Generation II: web behaviour experiments with the BBC Aslib Proceedings 63(1) pp28-45

Nicholas D, Rowlands I, Williams P (2011) e-journals, researchers – and the new librarians Learned Information 24(1) pp15-27

Nicholas D, Williams P, Huntington P, Blackburn P (2000) Get your medical info here Library Association Record 102 (12) December pp694-695

Nicholas D, Williams P, Smith A, Longbottom P (2005) The information needs of perioperative staff: a preparatory study for a proposed specialist library for theatres (NeLH) Health Information and Libraries Journal 22(1)pp 35-43

Oakford A, Williams P (2011) The use and value of local information systems: A case study of the Milton Keynes intelligence (MKi) Observatory Aslib Proceedings 63(5) pp.533-548

Quinsee S, Williams P (2003) Delivering Masters online Library and Information Update 2(2) February pp48-49

Rowlands I, Nicholas D, Williams P, Huntington P, Fieldhouse M, Gunter B, Withey R, Jamali H, Dobrowolski T, Tenopir (2008) The Google generation: the information behaviour of the researcher of the future Aslib Proceedings 60(4) pp. 290-310

Sekret I, Williams P (2013) Social media in learning: a case of implementing Facebook in undergraduates’ learning in Gómez Chova L, López Martínez A, Candel TorresI (Eds.) Edulearn 2013: Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies 1-3 July, 2013, Barcelona, Spain pp. 5198-5206 [CD-ROM]

Shepherd E, Sexton A and Lomas, E, Williams P (2022) Archives of Childhood: Memory-Identity-Rights in Records-Access (MIRRA) project, La Gazette des Archives, 266 (2022-2) pp.161-190.

Thompson D, Williams P, Nicholas D, Huntington P (2002) Accessibility and usability of a digital TV health information database Aslib Proceedings 54(5) pp 294 – 308

Wager L, Williams P (2013) “Hardly worth the effort”? Medical journals’ policies and their editors’ and publishers’ views on trial registration and publication bias: quantitative and qualitative study British Medical Journal 2013;347:f5248

Wager L, Williams P (2011) Why and how do journals retract articles? An analysis of Medline retractions 1988–2008 Journal of Medical Ethics 37(9) pp.567-570

Webster R, Williams P (2005) An evaluation of the NHS Direct online health information e-mail enquiry service: quality of health information on the internet Aslib Proceedings 57(1) pp 48-62


Williams P, Nicholas D (1998) The impact of the Internet on working practices in an information environment - case study of the media Information UK Outlooks No 32, October 1998

Nicholas D, Williams P, Dennis K (2004) 2Web factsheet 1: Questions charities need to ask about their web sites London: The Diana, Princess of Wales Fund

Nicholas D, Williams P, Dennis K (2004) 2 Web factsheet 2: How to evaluate your website and ensure it remains user-focused London: The Diana, Princess of Wales Fund

Nicholas D, Williams P, Dennis K, Taylor-Labourne A (2004)2Web factsheet 3: Funding websites: what are the major considerations for trusts and foundations? London: The Diana, Princess of Wales Fund


Conference abstracts

Williams P (2018) The digital lives of people with learning disabilities: a qualitative study Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Research and Innovation 2018, Prague, Czech Republic pp.1891-1891

Williams P (2022) Researching with people with learning disabilities: Methodological considerations in Sekret I, Kurnaz M (Eds.) APBM 2022 - III International Conference on Applied Psychology and Business Management, 27 - 30 October, 2022, Antalya, Turkey Bursa, Turkey: IATELS (International Association for Technology, Education and Language Studies) pp.41-42

Book reviews

Williams P (1998) Review of: The Information Society, by John Feather Information World Review January 1999 p27

Williams P (1999) Review of: Information seeking in the online age by Large A, Tedd, LA and Hartley RJ Online and CD Notes 12(7) September pp15-16

Williams P (2005) Review of: Information Literacy: A Practitioner's Guide by Andretta S New Library World 106(7) pp386-387

Nicholas D, Williams P (1998) Review of: Digital Literacy, by Paul Gilster Journal of Documentation 54(3) March pp360-362


Williams P (2013) Optimising website design for people with learning disabilities using 'trade-off' analysis Report submitted to the Economic and Social Research Council, London

Williams P, Nicholas D (2009) Exploring the low representation of black and minority ethnic staff in the library and information science profession: case study of London Report submitted to the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP), London

Williams P, Ross C (2010) Understanding the value of social media for the dissemination of UCL news Report submitted to University College London Communications Office

Williams P, Stevenson I, Watkinson A (2008) The Role and Future of the Monograph in Arts and Humanities Research Report submitted to UCL Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Williams P, Rowlands I (2007) The literature on young people and their information behaviour in Rowlands I, Nicholas D, Williams P Withey R, Gunter B (2007) Information behaviour of the researcher of the future London: UCL. Report submitted to the British Library and the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC), London

Williams P (2000) The Capabil-IT-y project: external evaluator’s report Part I: Evaluation findings London: University of North London Applied Social Science Research Unit

Williams P (2000) The Capabil-IT-y project: external evaluator’s report Part II: Case Studies London: University of North London Applied Social Science Research Unit

Williams P, Nicholas N, Gunter B (2004) Health education online: an evaluation of the development and roll-out of NHS Learn, a pilot DiTV and satellite distance education programme for NHS staff Report submitted to the Department of Health, London

Williams P, Robertson SE, Gatford M, (1997) (1997) Developing a routing service for the DRA: User guide Report submitted to the Defence Research Agency, Malvern

Beagrie, N, Williams P, Chruszcz,  J (2010)  Business Planning and Sustainability for the Dryad Data Repository Report submitted to The National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent): Duke University, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and North Carolina State University

Beagrie N, Houghton J, Palaiologk A, Williams P (2012) Economic Impact Evaluation of the Economic and Social Data Service Report submitted to the Economic and Social Data Service, London

Beagrie N, Rettberg N, Williams P (2009) A Digital Preservation Strategy for the TNA Report submitted to The National Archives (TNA), London

Beagrie N, Semple N, Williams P, Wright R (2008) Digital preservation policies study Report submitted to Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC), London

Hunt R, Williams P, Rowlands I, Nicholas D (2009) Copycats? Digital Consumers in the Online Age Report submitted to the Strategic Advisory Board for Intellectual Property Policy (SABIP), London

Meyer ET, Bulger M, Kyriakidou-Zacharoudiou A, Power L, Williams P, Venters W, Terras M, Wyatt S (2011) Collaborative yet independent:Information practices in the physical sciences Report submitted to Research Information Network (RIN), the Institute of Physics, Institute of Physics Publishing and the Royal Astronomical Society, London.

Minnion A, Williams P, Kennedy H, Bunning K[3](2006) Project @pple: e-learning and the World Wide Web London: University of East London, Report submitted to the ESRC PACCIT Programme.

Minnion A, Staples P, Singh R, Williams P (2008) Beyond the Road Ahead London: University of East London Report submitted to the Social Care Institute of Excellence

Nicholas, D, Williams P, Rowlands I[4](2011) Evaluating the British Library’s Growing Knowledge digital research exhibition  Report submitted to the British Library, London

Nicholas, D, Williams P, Dennis K (2003) An evaluation of the websites of charities and voluntary organisations providing support for vulnerable young people: Case study of websites funded by the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund London: City University. Report submitted to Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund, London

Nicholas, D, Williams P, Smith A, Longbottom P (2003) The Information Needs of Theatre Staff: an enabling project for the Virtual Branch Library for Theatres London: City University. Report submitted to Morecambe Bay NHS Trust, Morecombe Bay

Nicholas, D, Williams P, Huntingdon, P (2001) NHS Direct Online Interactive Enquiry Service Evaluation of the Pilot stage London: City University. Report submitted to NHS Direct Online operational team, London

Nicholas D, Williams P, Huntington P (1999) Times/Sunday Times online: an evaluative report prepared for News International London: City University. Report submitted to News International New Media Department, London

Nicholas D, Williams P, Martin H, Cole P (1998) The changing information environment: the impact of the Internet on information seeking behaviour in the media - British Library Research and Innovation Report Report submitted to the British Library, London

Nicholas D, Huntington P, Williams P, Gunter B (2002) First steps towards providing the nation with health care advice and information via their television sets: An evaluation of pilot projects exploring the health applications of digital interactive television London: City University. Report submitted to the Department of Health, London

Nicholas D, Huntington P, Williams P, (2002) Videonetworks HomeChoice DiTV service: an evaluation London: City University. Report submitted to the Department of Health, London

Nicholas D, Huntington P, Williams P, (2004) Digital consumer health information and advisory services in the UK: a user evaluation and sourcebook Six volume Report submitted to the Department of Health, London

Nicholas D, Rowlands I, Williams P, Brown D, Clark D (2011) E-journals, their use, value and impact London: Report submitted to the Research Information Network (RIN), London

Ross C, Williams P (2014) Digital Whitehall: Research report for Historic Royal Palaces Report submitted to Historic Royal Palaces, London

Rowlands I, Nicholas D, Brown D, Williams P (2011) Access to scholarly content: gaps and barriers London: RIN

Robertson S E, Walker S, Beaulieu M M, Gatford M, Payne A, Huang X, Williams P, Boughanem M (1999) Development of IR evaluation methods: Okapi at TREC - British Library Research and Innovation Report Report submitted to the British Library, London

Rowlands I, Williams P (2010) Generation Y and information technology: implications Report submitted to Fujitsu  UK, London

Rowlands I, Nicholas D, Williams P Withey R, Gunter B (2007) Information behaviour of the researcher of the future London: UCL. Report submitted to the British Library and the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC), London

Robertson SE, Gatford M, Williams P (1997) Developing a routing service for the DRA Report submitted to the Defence Research Agency, Malvern

Shepherd E, Sexton A, Williams P, Lomas E, Denton M, Marchant T, Donahue L (2021) Embedding participatory recordkeeping in child social care Report submitted to the Arts and Humanities Research Council


[1] Attributed to Peter Williams only

[2] Unattributed articles

[3] Attributed to Andy Minnion and & the project @pple team

[4] Attributed to CIBER