
Museums and Collections


Teaching and learning at UCL Grant Museum of Zoology

We welcome research enquiries and our collection is an excellent resource, offering experiences for primary and secondary schools, art and special interest groups, and university classes.

Within this guide:

About our collection

The UCL Grant Museum of Zoology is the only remaining university zoology museum in London and contains specimens from the whole of the animal kingdom. The collection dates from the 19th century and is still added to. The collection contains a wide range of material including fluid preserved, pinned entomology, taxidermy, freeze-dried and skeletal specimens. Only 7% of the collection is on display but the rest of the collection is primarily available for use in research. We welcome research enquiries and the collection is available for the research community for study and sampling.

Learn more

Bisected skull models. Photo by Oliver Siddons.

Information for researchers

We are open for research visits Monday - Friday 10:00 - 13:00, when advanced booking is required. Please contact museums@ucl.ac.uk to arrange this.


In order to be as helpful as possible we require as much specific information about the specimens you require access to during your visit. We have a searchable online catalogue of the specimens held by the museum. Please note the online catalogue is not 100% comprehensive and not all specimens are listed.

Use of equipment

The museum can provide space, nitrile gloves and access to a mains power supply, however, we may not be able to provide extra equipment required (e.g. AV leads for laptops, lighting, plug convertors for international visitors or measuring equipment). Please ensure you bring with you all the equipment you may need to undertake research.

Please note the UCL guidelines for all electrical equipment being brought on site:

  • Any electrical equipment brought to UCL’s Premises must first be approved in writing by UCL.
  • Such equipment must also comply with UCL’s standard equipment supply which runs at 230/240 volts and 50hz and the equipment must also have a maximum load not exceeding 13 amps.
  • Any electrical equipment brought in to the Premises must also have a valid PAT (Portable Appliance Testing) certificate dated within one year of the date of the booking. Any equipment without a valid certificate may not be used.

Equipment not matching the above specification may not be used in the museum space.

During your visit

The UCL Grant Museum of Zoology likes to display the kinds of research that goes on in a zoological collection so you may be working in the gallery space unless working with hazardous specimens or equipment. Please take the time to explain your research to any of our visitors if they ask. Before using specimens a member of our staff will go over the general object handling guidelines. You may not use any materials that may mark specimens (ink, paint or putty for holding specimens in place).


We allow destructive sampling of the collection, however, you must contact the museum first to discuss any proposed sampling. Please note the application process for sampling requests may take some time to process.

Specimen photography

Photography is permitted but its intended use must be discussed with museum staff beforehand. There is a separate form, available from staff, for filming and photography which outlines the use of images and the appropriate credit line. There is usually a charge for commercial photography. We ask that only LED lighting is used to light specimens to prevent damage from UV light sources.

School visits

The Grant Museum welcomes visits from school and education groups. Prebooking is essential and can be arranged by contacting museums@ucl.ac.uk. School slots are available, subject to availability at the following times:

  • Wednesday mornings between 10am–12pm (2-hour visit slot).
  • Tuesday to Friday afternoons between 1pm–3pm (1-hour visit slot). 

Please note a maximum group size of twenty is applicable during afternoon visit slots.

School groups will normally have exclusive use of the museum during morning visit slots with members of the public present in the space during afternoons. All school visits are self-guided and free of charge.

Key Stage 2 Science topics that a self-guided visit to the museum may help support include:

  • Bones and skeletons
  • Teeth, eating and diet
  • Grouping and classification
  • Adaptions and evolution

Further education and lifelong learning

The collection fits into A-Level Biology syllabuses and arranges bookings for groups at this stage of education with hands-on activities based on topics of their choice. We are also available to special interest groups and lifelong learners. We dedicate time to developing new resources and activities for groups who wish to cover a topic that we haven’t done before.

Higher education and research

The UCL Grant Museum of Zoology is an excellent resource for university groups who wish to use the material for teaching practicals. It is the only remaining university zoology museum in London and covers the whole of the animal kingdom.

Enquiries from academics and researchers who wish to gain access to the collection for study of particular specimens are also very welcome.

Family learning

At the UCL Grant Museum of Zoology we know that there is a lot to be gained from getting hands-on with our specimens, however old you are. We organise a programme of drop-in events for families on set dates during school holidays and on some weekends in term time. See our our events pages to keep up to date with what we've got going on or sign up to our mailing list.


The museum is also an excellent place to come and find inspiration for artwork for people of any age. We are happy to take bookings from art groups and, depending on staff availability, make the collection more available to them by removing objects from their cases so that they can be drawn. Please note that we do not allow paint, pastels or charcoal in the museum.