UCL Professors' Dining Club

Among the pleasures enjoyed by professors at UCL is automatic membership of the Professors' Dining Club. Membership of the Club also includes members of Council and non-professorial academic and non-academic staff (by election). The President of the Club is the Provost, ex officio.

The PDC dines on at least four occasions each year, always in the College terms. Members and guests normally meet at 1830 for dinner at 1900 and after dinner adjourn to the Housman Room for claret, port, cheese and conversation. It is an unwritten rule of the Club that guests should not be invited for commercial reasons. At the October dinner there will be a brief AGM.

Members are welcome to bring guests who may be partners and family members. The current price of each dinner is £42.

The Club has its own wine cellar and provides a selection of wines at each dinner. We rely on voluntary subscriptions to the Cellar Fund to maintain the stock of wines and ask for donations of around £10 per diner. The present excellence of the cellar is due to the members’ past generosity. A wine tasting is usually held in June or July of cellar stock and of potential new purchases.

If you have any questions or would like to be added to the mailing list, please mail the Hon. Treasurer Tim Short at pdc@ucl.ac.uk