General Rules

Notes of Guidance

The following notes take into account the current practice of the Club. The only formal Rules that exist date from October 1896 and may fairly be described as outdated and not related to present day membership and attitudes.

1. Membership

The membership falls in two categories:

(i) Those who are members as of right:
  1. The Provost of UCL, who is also President ex officio.
  2. All those appointed to professorships at UCL.
(ii) Those who may be elected to membership:
  1. Members of the academic staff of UCL and Medical School, i.e. Readers, Senior Lecturers and Lecturers.
  2. Lay members of the College Council.
  3. Senior administrative and other support staff of the College and Medical School.
  4. Senior members of research institutes within UCL or London with research or teaching links to College.
  5. Retired members of College may retain membership of the Club.

2. Election to Membership

Formal written nominations for membership under 1.(ii) above, duly proposed and seconded by members of the Club, must be submitted to the Hon Secretary one week in advance of the AGM. The candidates proposed should have attended a dinner as a guest of a member during the preceding year.

3. Guests

No person should be invited as a guest to more than one dinner in any one session.

4. Annual General Meeting

The President shall chair the AGM at which the Honorary Treasurer, Secretary, Assistant Secretary and Auditors shall be elected.

Audited statements of the accounts and the cellar contents shall be presented. The names of candidates for election to the Club will be presented by their proposers. Guests shall not be invited to the dinner on that occasion.

5. Dinner Subscription and Cellar Fund

There is no annual subscription to the Club, but the dinner subscription shall be agreed annually at the AGM. This sum includes the full cost of the dinner and a proportion of the wine consumed. Contributions to the Cellar Fund for wine purchase are entirely at members' discretion.

RCF 10.10.1994