
UCL Philosophy


MPhil Stud and PhD Key Contacts

The Graduate Programme Administrator, Richard Edwards, is the first point of contact for all general enquiries about the MPhil Stud, MPhil/PhD and PhD programmes in the Philosophy Department.

The Graduate Tutor (MPhil/PhD), Professor Mark Kalderon, is the first point of contact about supervision requests and general pastoral help.

The Graduate Tutor (MPhil Stud), Dr Andreas Ditter, is the first point for module choices as well as general pastoral help.

Research students can also contact their student academic representative (StAR) about matters they would like discussed at the staff-student consultative committee. 

Research students have a primary and secondary supervisor assigned. The primary supervisor in Portico is taken to be the member of academic staff who has overall supervisory responsibility in relation to your graduate research. You will also be assigned a secondary supervisor on Portico, and this is ideally a member of staff who will supervise your research for a term on a regular but occasional basis.

Each term you will be assigned just one supervisor (your 'term' supervisor, listed here) to work with for that term.