
Department of Political Science


Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI)

Welcome to the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion website for staff and students in the Department of Political Science. Here you can find information on our EDI Committee, our networks and EDI related initiatives, as well as further information and support for students and staff at UCL.

Political Science Departmental Networks

We currently have three active network groups, the Ethnic and Racial Diversity (ERD) Network, the Gender and Sexuality Diversity Network (GSDN) and the Disability Neurodiversity and Wellbeing Network. These provide support to our students and staff, as well as leading on initiatives to improve equality, diversity and inclusion within our department. All students and staff are welcome to join any and all of these.

We are happy to support other networks. If you would like to set up a new network then let us know by emailing alexandra.hartman@ucl.ac.uk or p.ayoub@ucl.ac.uk, our EDI Committee co-Chairs.

You can find out more about our networks, initiatives and resources below.

If you are interested in the wider EDI work and support available at UCL, please visit the UCL EDI webpages.


Ethnic and Racial Diversity (ERD) Network

A group of students talk in the UCL student centre

Gender and Sexuality Diversity Network (GSDN)

Women With Arms Raised and Holding Hands. A rainbow painted on their hands.

Disability, Neurodiversity and Wellbeing Network

Blind man using a braille screen reader.


Looking out across the UCL quad, through the portico columns

Explore our work on decolonising the curriculum, creating inclusive reading lists, and more.

Athena Swan

Image shows the Athena Swan Bronze Award logo

Find out about our commitments and objectives to gender equality.


Image shows the UCL portico on a bright sunny day

Find out about our EDI committee members and how to get in touch.



UCL Uncovering Politics

In this weekly podcast we explore key themes in contemporary politics.  Past episodes that have showcased our department's EDI related research include:

Uncovering Politics podcast logo and LGBTQI+ flag
LGBT+ Politics
In this episode we ask Prof Phillip Ayoub: What explains successes and setbacks in the promotion of LGBT+ rights? And is political science as welcoming as it should be towards LGBT+ research? 

A person with a sunflower lanyard works on their laptop
Disabilities in the Workplace
In this episode we are exploring the experience of disabled people in work, and asking the question, ‘How can we make our workplaces more inclusive?’. With Dr Sarabajaya Kumar and Dr Colin Provost.

Someone puts a voting slip into a ballot box
Voting Systems and the Representation of Women
In this episode we ask Dr Eleanor Woodhouse: Which electoral system leads to the fairest representation for women in parliaments? 


Trailblazing Voices

Trailblazing Voices podcast image showing a hand holding a microphone with purpose, against a backdrop of a yellow "boom" cartoon image
This short podcast series from 2021 introduced listeners to diverse perspectives outside of the Global North by featuring academics and practitioners in political science and public policy from traditionally underrepresented countries and backgrounds. This podcast supplemented the Inclusive Curriculum project.


UCL wide resources 

UCL Equality, Diversity & Inclusion: Think differently, do differently
Here you will be able to find information on issues relating to race, gender, religion and belief, sexual orientation, and disability, amongst other equalities initiatives at UCL.

Student Support and Wellbeing
UCL is committed to providing the support you need to make the most of your studies. Whatever your circumstances, there are a wide range of people across UCL who can help you to stay on track.

UCL Workplace Health
UCL’s occupational health and staff wellbeing team. We are working to make UCL a happy and healthy place to be for the whole UCL community. We offer a range of resources to support your mental and physical wellbeing.

UCL Student Union Societies
There's a society for everyone. Find your people.

UCL Student Support for Specific Groups
There is a range of support at UCL for students from particular groups. Find out more about this here.