
UCL Summer School


Annelies Becker

Meet Annelies, who joined us on the Summer School in 2024 from the Fontys University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands.

Annelies Becker 

Module: London’s Urban Development: Politics, Policy and Design

Home university: Fontys University of Applied Sciences, Tilburg, The Netherlands

Favourite thing to do in London: I loved visiting a different borough every weekend. The markets were often the highlight of my week

Describe the UCL Summer School in three words: Inspiring, enjoying and culture

Annelies Becker


Why did you choose the UCL Summer School?

I wanted to study abroad, but because of Covid and the lockdowns it never happened. This was the ideal solution to study abroad and visit London for my summer holiday at the same time.

There were so many courses to choose from! I made a top five and I am very happy with the course I eventually picked. It was completely different than my bachelor courses - I wanted to broaden my perspective before choosing my masters.

UCL has a great reputation and the course sounded like it would be a little bit of everything. Politics, culture, philosophy etc. So, I thought it would be a perfect fit. And it was!

Tell us a bit about the module you took – what have been the highlights?  

London’s Urban Development: Politics, Policy and Design is a very broad module. It touches on a lot of different topics. Our professor, Christine Hannigan, was really enthusiastic and passionate about this course. She finished her PHD on gentrification and she knew a lot.

I loved the environment in class where you are encouraged to ask questions and compare London with your own home town or country. It helped a lot with understanding the content of the course at a fast pace. The highlights were our professor and the field trips - especially the ones with the guest lecturers. We met a local politician, other students and neighbourhood volunteers.

What was your favourite thing about London and why?

It is so hard to pick one thing, because London is such a huge and beautiful city. I loved that the museums are free. I often went just for an hour before class. The British Museum is massive and too big to see in just one day. So I went three times and visited a different section each time.

If you love art, London is just heaven. Tate Modern, Tate Britain, The British Museum, The National Gallery and the Courtauld Gallery are all a must-see. Every week my ‘to do’-list became bigger and bigger. You will never be done exploring London. Great reason for me to come back one day!

Where is your favourite spot on the UCL Campus and why?  

Because it was the middle of the summer, I spent as little time as possible inside. I loved the little parks, like Gordon Square, in between the buildings. Sometimes I would bring a book and lunch and just sit in the park and relax.

The main building on campus is beautiful! Everybody takes a picture there after finishing the course. Very old and impressive.

Another great spot on campus is Mully’s basement bar. The pub quiz and the karaoke night are in this bar and those nights were just great! Don’t skip them if you are coming to UCL!

What advice would you give to any students looking to apply next year?  

Embrace London! This city has so much to offer. You will have enough time to go to class and do the course work and to explore London. Go out, take a tube and visit all the different boroughs.

I also met the most amazing people and I am visiting them this year. Friends in Germany, Mexico, the US and India! So, don’t be shy and go out and meet people - it will only make your life more beautiful and interesting.