
Student and Registry Services


Delayed Assessment Scheme and Extenuating Circumstances processes

From 2024/25, the Delayed Assessment Scheme was introduced as a new support process under the Student Support Framework. The Extenuating Circumstances (ECs) process remains available for students to submit EC claims with supporting evidence but self-certified EC claims are replaced by Delayed Assessment Permits (DAPs) offered through the Delayed Assessment Scheme.

Delayed Assessment Permits: Delayed Assessment Permits are intended to support students in managing short term pressures on their workload. Students have three permits per year that can be used to either extend the deadline for one piece of coursework by five working days or defer an exam to the next normal assessment period. Students do not need to request permission or provide evidence to use a permit, they simply inform us by using the Delayed Assessment Scheme task in Portico. 

Visit the Delayed Assessment Scheme staff webpage for further information about the Delayed Assessment Scheme including reporting guidance and FAQs 

Extenuating Circumstances claims with supporting evidence: Extenuating Circumstances (EC) are for emergencies that are sudden, unexpected and beyond the student's control. EC claims require evidence and are reviewed by Department / Faculty EC Panels to determine the appropriate mitigation as well as to identify where additional support should be extended to the student. Students submit EC Claims with evidence via the EC task in Portico.  

Visit the Extenuating Circumstances staff webpage for further information about the Extenuating Circumstances process including guidance on processing claims on Portico and FAQs

Note that Delayed Assessment Permits replace self-certified Extenuating Circumstances claims with the following exceptions:

  • PGT students who are due to complete their studies by Oct 2024 will be able to submit self-certified ECs, not DAPs, for their dissertation.
  • Students with reassessments without tuition for modules with a due date in academic year 23/24 will be able to submit self-certified ECs, not DAPs, for these assessments.

Key differences: Delayed Assessment Permits and Extenuating Circumstances claims

Is the Delayed Assessment Scheme the same as Extenuating Circumstances? 


The Delayed Assessment Scheme provides students a limited amount of flexibility each year for a small number of assessments, so that they can better manage the complexities of study, student life, and wellbeing. Each taught student is granted 3 Delayed Assessment Permits (DAPs) to use as they wish throughout the year to automatically receive mitigation on a chosen assessment. This will normally be either a 5 working day extension or deferral. There are no minimum grounds to use their permits. Students simply notify UCL that they are using a DAP to receive the mitigation for that assessment. 

Extenuating Circumstances are designed for emergencies, in circumstances that are sudden, unexpected and beyond the student’s control. If students have such circumstances, it is important they engage with the EC process to receive appropriate support.  

The Student Support Framework provides guidance for students on “Which process should I use?".