
Student and Registry Services


Delayed Assessment Scheme

Information and guidance for staff about the Delayed Assessment Scheme.


The Delayed Assessment Scheme allows students to use a maximum of three permits per year to get automatic mitigation on a chosen assessment, such as a 5-working day extension or a deferral. The scheme is designed to support students to better manage the complexities of study, student life, and wellbeing.

Each taught student is granted three Delayed Assessment Permits (DAPs) to use as they wish throughout the year to automatically receive mitigation on a chosen assessment. This will normally be either a five working day extension or deferral. There are no minimum grounds to use a permit and students do not need to request permission or provide evidence - they simply inform us by using the Delayed Assessment Scheme task in Portico.

Note that Delayed Assessment Permits replace self-certified Extenuating Circumstances claims with the following exceptions:

  • PGT students who are due to complete their studies by Oct 2024 will be able to submit self-certified ECs, not DAPs, for their dissertation.
  • Students with reassessments without tuition for modules with a due date in academic year 23/24 will be able to submit self-certified ECs, not DAPs, for these assessments.


From 30 September, students will be able to submit a Delayed Assessment Permit from their MyStudies tab on Portico (step by step guidance for students on submitting a DAP is provided in Student Guidance_Submitting a Delayed Assessment Permit). 

Mitigation is automatically applied once a student has submitted a DAP. 

Following submission, a system generated email is sent to the student confirming receipt of the DAP.  The content of this email is tailored to signpost further support where applicable and as appropriate to the reason that the student selected for using the DAP: DAP student email template text (LINK to pdf doc, doc to follow) shows the email content.

Departments / Programmes should use the Delayed Assessment Scheme Quick View report to monitor DAPs submitted and update Moodle with extended deadlines or pass information on to Module Leads.

From 19 Sept, staff with access to the Data Quality Reports section on the Awards, Assessments and Achievements page on Portico will see a link to the Delayed Assessment Scheme Quick view and will be able to view the DAPs reporting functionality (link to reporting guidance).

Guidance is provided in the Delayed Assessment Scheme Reporting Guidance document. (LINK)

Departments should inform students of the new assessment date for deferrals. (Note that there is no need for departments to communicate new deadline dates for extensions, the student will see this new date on Portico once they have submitted the DAP). 

Reporting guidance for staff

Delayed Assessment Scheme Reporting guidance (link to doc, pdf to follow)

Frequently Asked Questions

Please visit the Extenuating Circumstances staff webpage for FAQs relating to Extenuating Circumstances. 

These questions are grouped by the following categories:  

  • Policy overview / background 
  • Process / how it works 
  • DAPs, SoRAs and ECs 

Policy overview / background 

What is the Delayed Assessment Scheme? 

The Delayed Assessment Scheme provides students a limited amount of flexibility each year for a small number of assessments, so that they can better manage the complexities of study, student life, and wellbeing. Each taught student is granted three Delayed Assessment Permits (DAPs) to use as they wish throughout the year to automatically receive mitigation on a chosen assessment. This will normally be either a 5 working day extension or deferral. There are no minimum grounds to use their permits. Students simply notify UCL that they are using a DAP to receive the mitigation for that assessment. 

Is the Delayed Assessment Scheme the same as Extenuating Circumstances? 

No. Extenuating Circumstances are designed for emergencies, in circumstances that are sudden, unexpected and beyond the student’s control. If students have such circumstances, it is important they engage with the EC process to receive appropriate support.  

Why has this policy been developed? 

The policy has been developed to support students in balancing academic, non-academic student life, and their wellbeing. Whilst self-certification has provided supportive mitigation for students over the last few years it has been a continued source of frustration for both staff and students. Under the current EC policy, students can self-certify for a period of two-weeks and request various types of mitigation for any assessments during this period. Whilst there are minimum grounds for self-cert EC’s it is understood that the grounds reported are not always done so genuinely. Self-certification had an approval rate of 94.2% in AY22/23, and yet represented at least 2,000 staff hours of administration and decision making, meaning it largely operated as guaranteed mitigation without restrictions and the benefit of automation.  

The Delayed Assessment Scheme allows for not only an automated process, but also represents a shift in our approach to support and empower students to take responsibility for their studies and learning. 

Features of this new policy allow not only for greater automation in process, but also greater consistency such as fixed mitigations for each assessment, rather than different mitigations for different students under self-certified ECs. 

Why is there a limit of three DAPs per year? 

It would not be appropriate, or beneficial, to allow unlimited flexibility, but we wanted to ensure the decision was data informed. We examined the data from the previous “self-certification policy” and found that it was essentially operating like a free pass system with over 94% claims being approved. We also found that most students who submitted at least one EC in previous years claimed for, on average, approximately 3 assessments a year.  

Is group work included in the Delayed Assessment Scheme? 

No, group work is excluded.  

This scheme recognises the need to empower students with some autonomy and flexibility to manage their lives and wellbeing, however when it comes to group work you are accountable to more than just yourself and therefore need to meet these deadlines. As ever, the EC procedure is available for students who experience significant disruption. 

Can students still self-certify for Extenuating Circumstances? 


Delayed Assessment Permits replace self-certified Extenuating Circumstances claims with the following exceptions:  

  • PGT students who are due to complete their studies by Oct 2024 will be able to submit self-certified ECs, not DAPs, for their dissertation. 
  • Students with reassessments without tuition for modules with a due date in academic year 23/24 will be able to submit self-certified ECs, not DAPs, for these assessments. 

Other than these exceptions, formal EC submissions must be accompanied by evidence. In some exceptional circumstances a faculty may choose to waive the requirement for evidence due to particularly difficult circumstances, but it is rare. 

How does the Delayed Assessment Scheme compare with self-certification? 
 Self-certificationDelayed Assessment Scheme
Number2 for UG, 3 for PGT3 DAPs for all students
Claim/Permit applies to…Any number of assessments within a two-week period per claim.One individual assessment.
Mitigation availableStudents can request any form of mitigation. Extension requests often vary from 2hrs to 12weeks.

Fixed pre-determined mitigation for each assessment. Normally:

  • 5 working day extension for Coursework type assessment (including dissertations)
  • Deferral to next normal occasion (typically LSA)
Deadline for submissionBefore assessment deadline and no more than two-weeks in advance. Before assessment deadline and no more than two-weeks in advance.
EC Panel decisions required
  • Validity of grounds of claim.
  • Mitigation for each claim.

None. NB:

  • Students are able to defer any number of exams within a 2-week period but advised not to defer more than 30credits to LSA.
  • 3rd claim for PGT students only for use T3 onwards leading to guaranteed 2-week extension for Dissertations
  • DAPs not available for Group Work.
  • Mitigation pre-determined.
  • Extension fixed length. 
  • Deferral to LSA not permitted in more than 30credits.
  • Individual assessments can be excluded from scheme (pre-agreed).
  • No “extra” pass for Dissertation. Pass associated with Dissertation only permits 1 week extension.


Why are we allowing Deferrals for Exams? It will increase the number of LSA’s? 

Data has shown that even with the introduction of Self-Certification over the last six years the proportion of exams running in the LSA and the proportion of students requiring an exam in the LSA has remained relatively stable. Even via the Self-Certification policy, students rarely wish to delay exams to the LSA, but it is important we accommodate flexibility for those that need it. The scheme also restricts the number of exams individual students can defer, which self-certification does not. 

The use of the Delayed Assessment Scheme will be monitored and results shared with Education Committee next year to consider changes for 2025-26 if required.

I have concerns about PSRB or other academic requirements, can I make my assessment ineligible for DAPS? 

Ensuring academic standards has been central to the design and consultation of this new scheme. Standards are maintained by the assessment of learning outcomes, rather than the flexibility under policies such as extenuating circumstances. Many universities already allow short term extension under schemes similar to the DAS. However, it will be possible for a small number of assessments to be listed as ineligible for flexibility under this scheme. Approval must be given by the relevant Faculty for a component to be excluded from the scheme.

Assessments should only be excluded from the scheme in exceptional circumstances, for instance where the nature of the assessment is particularly unique and self-cert ECs were normally managed differently for this assessment. This may include logistical difficulties of practical/in-person attendance, such as assessments completed during lab work where rescheduling is not normally done.

I’m worried about students just adding to their problems by putting in extensions, what can we do about that? 

Whilst students no longer need to meet minimum grounds to get an extension, the Delayed Assessment Scheme has more limits than self-certification as only 3 individual assessments can be claimed for, rather than any number of assessments within a 2-week period.

In addition, students are provided guidance within both the scheme and the system itself regarding the impact and consequences for extending or deferring an assessment. They will also be automatically signposted to appropriate support or guidance depending on the reasons for using a permit.

How should hidden assessment components be managed?  

The Delayed Assessment Scheme seeks to support students as autonomous learners and balance the challenges of study, life and their wellbeing. As such, ongoing assessment throughout the term should be eligible for flexibility under the scheme rather than be excluded due to administrative set up of the component.

In cases where there are hidden assessment components, such as weekly problem sheets within one low weighted component, it may be possible to amend the assessment component before the start of term- please contact your Faculty Team to see how feasible this might be.

Whilst these assessments are normally marked weekly, we know that consolidation of these marks is often not completed until the end of term. To still provide students an opportunity to manage their assessments, it is advised that students should have access to DAPs once for such a series of assessments.

To do this: Set the deadline for the overall component as the last date of term, and record the mitigation as “Other, see Moodle page”.

On Moodle, explain to your students that if they miss one of their weekly assessments, they can use one of their DAPs to mitigate against one weekly assessment. However, it cannot be submitted until the last 2 weeks of term- it is the student’s responsibility to heed this instruction, as part of their duties as a learner. The missing weekly assessment should then be excluded when calculating the mark for the overall component. Alternatively, if you wish to instead grant a 5 working day extension and check the student submitted it late, that is your choice but will incur additional administration.

Under self-certification, we would sometimes exclude a small component rather than give an extension or deferral, can we still do this? 

Yes, for <10% weighted assessments. When in doubt, consider what mitigations were standard for self-certified ECs. 

Process / how it works 

How does a student submit a Delayed Assessment Permit? 

Students submit a Delayed Assessment Permit from their MyStudies tab on Portico using the link shown below. 

Step by step guidance for students on submitting a DAP is provided in Student Guidance_Submitting a Delayed Assessment Permit. 

DAS permits - view and add Portico task
What mitigation is available to students through the Delayed Assessment Scheme? 

Mitigation for each assessment is predetermined, with each assessment type having a default mitigation:

  • Coursework type assessments (including dissertations)- 5 working day extension. The new deadline date is automatically populated in Portico, there is no need for staff members to communicate this date to students. 
  • Exam, and fixed duration online, type assessments- deferral to the next normal occasion (normally LSA). Departments should inform students of the new assessment date. 

DAP standard mitigations against assessment types provides a list of all assessment types and the default mitigation under the Delayed Assessment Scheme.

Faculties and Departments will have the opportunity to amend the default mitigation, including to exclude assessment <10% weighting. The length of extension for coursework cannot be changed.

Does a staff member have to review / approve use of a Delayed Assessment Permits?  


Students submit their Delayed Assessment Permits on Portico and mitigation is automatically applied once they have done this.

Departments / Programmes should use the Delayed Assessment Scheme Quick View report to monitor DAPs submitted and update Moodle with extended deadlines or pass information on to Module Leads. For further information, see our Delayed Assessment Scheme Reporting Guidance document.

Does a staff member have to inform the student of their new deadline date or new assessment date?  

This depends on whether the student has submitted a DAP for an extension or a deferral:

  • For extensions, the new deadline date is automatically populated in Portico and the student will see that once they have submitted the DAP. There is no need for staff members to communicate this date to students.
  • For deferrals, departments should inform students of the new assessment date.
Are departments alerted when a student uses a DAP for an assessment? 


Departments / Programmes should use the Delayed Assessment Scheme Quick View report to monitor DAPs submitted and update Moodle with extended deadlines or pass information on to Module Leads. For further information, see our Delayed Assessment Scheme Reporting Guidance document.

How does a student know whether they can use a DAP for a particular assessment and what are the reasons given to a student when a DAP is not available? 

When using the Portico workflow to submit a DAP, the student is shown a list of Assessments for their selected module and if the assessment is eligible for a DAP, they will see the Select Assessment button next to the assessment as shown below.  

Select assessment button in Portico

Where the assessment is not eligible for a DAP, they will see the text “Unable to select this assessment” and the reason for this. 

Reasons that a DAP may not be available to students on Portico:  

  • The assessment has been recorded as not eligible for a DAP. 
  • There is no due date recorded for the assessment. 
  • They have already used 3 DAPs this Academic Year. 
  • They have already used a DAP for this assessment. 
  • The assessment deadline has already passed. 
  • The assessment deadline is more than 2 weeks in the future. 
  • If using a DAP for this assessment will mean that they have deferred more than 30 credits. 
Why are students asked to select a reason for using a Delayed Assessment Permit? 

When submitting their Delayed Assessment Permit, students are asked to select a reason for using the permit from the following list of options. 

  • Minor physical illnesses or injuries (e.g., cough, cold). 
  • Minor mental health/wellbeing difficulties (e.g., temporary and manageable stress/anxiety). 
  • Caring Responsibilities. 
  • General domestic/family problems.  
  • Childcare.  
  • Major physical or mental health challenges that require further support. 
  • Travel arrangements. 
  • Missed, delayed, or failed transport. 
  • Visa problems.  
  • Balancing multiple assessment deadlines. 
  • Paid or voluntary work commitments. 
  • Participation in extra-curricular activities. 
  • Time spent on job/internship applications/interviews. 
  • General financial problems. 
  • Moving home. 
  • General housing problems. 
  • Failure of IT equipment/printers. 
  • Failure to back up documents. 

Collecting these reasons enables us to capture support needs and signpost students to relevant support (e.g. academic support if they cite issues with managing workload. When they submit a DAP, the student will receive a system generated email to confirm receipt of the DAP. The selected reason is used to tailor the content and links provided in the email, enabling us to direct them towards the most relevant support package available. The DAP student email template text (LINK) shows the email content that the student will receive according to the reason that they select.  

How late can a student use the DAP? E.g. If the submission is 12 noon on Monday, can they initiate the DAP extension at 11:55 on submission day? 

This is necessary because deadline times are not currently captured in Portico. We also want to ensure that students are not working during unreasonable hours to attempt to complete their assessment before submitting a DAP. 

Can a student use a DAP to get an extension after an assessment submission deadline has passed? 


Does the "new deadline" for extensions take into account closure days? For example, if a student submits a DAP for an assessment that has a deadline one day before the closure, will the new deadline take into account the closure days?  

Not at present but we are working on a solution and plan to have this in place by Christmas.  

Note that the system does take weekends into account.  

Can the student use the DAP in the middle of an exam, e.g. if they suddenly feel unwell? 

Technically yes as the deadline to submit is going to be 5pm, but ideally they shouldn't as this should really be an EC claim. 

Can a student revoke a DAP after they have initiated it, if they change their mind and decide they want to submit on time and use the DAP for another assessment? 


DAPs, SoRAs and ECs 

Can a student, with a SoRA, who invokes a DAP, then move on to requesting an EC on top of the DAP? 


Can a student request a DAP on top of an EC?  

No. If a student has an EC and needs an extension / change to the mitigation granted by the EC, they should discuss this with their EC panel.  

If a student with a SoRA student submits a DAP, how is the new deadline date calculated?  

A 5 working day extension to the original due date will be applied as per all other students. The student is still entitled to use their SoRA extension in addition to the new DAP deadline. 

If a student has a SoRA, will the "new deadline" following use of a DAP include their SoRA extension? 

No - all SORA students have different mitigations and SoRA data is not currently held in Portico so we can't calculate a DAP + SORA deadline yet.  

For further support

If you have any questions or feedback, please contact your EC / DAPs champion: 

FacultyEC / DAPs Champion
BartlettSteve Ridge 
Arts / SHS Olivia Braddock 
Pop Health / Brain Stephanie Howes 
Engineering Leonie James / Beth Campbell 
MAPS Charlotte Pearce 
Life Sciences Gillian Hogg / Jane Inge 
IOE Lisa Borejszo 
Medical Sciences Susan Beesley