5 The do file

Do files are Stata’s scripts: simple programs made of text files of Stata commands.

Let’s start off by creating a new do file, type

doedit newdo.do

on the Stata console. You can also create a new do file editing session from the Window menu in Stata.

Clear everything to make sure there’s nothing leftover in our environment

clear all

5.1 Initialising your script

In a new data wrangling script you should

  • start a log;
  • make sure you are in the correct project directory;
  • clear working memory.

So to start this process, in your new do file add these lines (but substitute the name of your own Stata project for "ProjectName"):

capture log close
log using "MainProjectName $S_DATE.log", append


capture cmdlog close
cmdlog using "CommandsProjectName $S_DATE.log", append

The first will log all commands and results window ouput (ie not graphs) the second will log commands only and not output. As you gain more experience you will probably choose to use only one of these logs.

The commands use a Stata system variable $S_DATE to insert today’s date into the file name of your logs. This makes tracking your work easier.

5.2 Exercise

Using your internet searching powers, find out why we wrote

capture log close

at the start of the script, rather than just log close.

5.3 Which directory?

Next you should make sure you are in the correct directory.

To check which directory you are currently in type


on the Stata console.

5.4 Change to your data directory

Change directory to the folder that will hold your project’s raw data files (that is data that you have not processed or transformed). Normally, for a data wrangling script, this will be the raw_data directory for the project and you change to that directory by typing a line like

cd c:\users\jt\Documents\Projects\StataWrangling\raw_data\

(you must alter this to point at your folder). When you write code to read a raw data file, you will want to make sure that it is read into this directory.

5.5 Exercise

Close the log file or log files you have created and outside of Stata find the files and view the content.