MedSIN-RUMS projects

Homeless projects

Homelessness is another area which MedSIN-RUMS are very interested in. It is a big problem in the UK, and especially so in this area of London. The health problems of homeless people are such that future doctors should be more aware of them, in order to be more able to relate to those most in need of help.

Our homeless project is divided into two projects: Crisis and Primary Health Centre.

CRISIS: What is CRISIS? - CRISIS at Christmas - What are MedSIN-RUMS doing to help?

Primary Healthcare Centre: What is the Kings Cross Primary Healthcare Centre? - What is their link with MedSIN-RUMS? - More information/how can I get involved?


What is CRISIS?

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"Crisis is the national charity for single homeless people - those with no legal right to housing. Our aim is to end street homelessness by taking effective, practical action to help all single homeless people move towards a secure, sustainable home. We want to ensure that no-one ever has to sleep rough".

CRISIS at Christmas

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Christmas 1999 is the 28th year that Crisis has responded to the specific needs of homeless people during the festive season. The Open Christmas provides a service that reaches their needs - from a wide ranging medical and advice service to three hot meals a day, a warm welcome and companionship.

What are MedSIN-RUMS doing to help?

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MedSIN RUMS are hoping to get involved again this year as volunteers at the open shelter. There are a variety of jobs that volunteers can do. These may be shifting mattresses and furniture, driving (guests and supplies), cleaning, preparing and serving meals and mingling and chatting with the guests.








What is the Kings Cross Primary Healthcare Centre?

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"A health service for people in Kings Cross, particularly homeless, sex workers, drug and alcohol users. A free and confidential service. No appointments necessary. GP and nurse available to deal with any health concerns. Offers sexual health screening, vaccinations, HIV and Hepatitis testing, and advice about drug and alcohol use".

The centre is also involved in offering advice and training to the staff of University College Hospital Accident and Emergency Department. It is not uncommon that patients attending the Kings Cross centre will also be seen in UCH A&E. The centre is working with the hospital staff looking at issues they face when dealing with clients from the Kings Cross centre.

What is their link with MedSIN-RUMS?

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A link was set up between MedSIN RUMS and the centre in 1998 which enables medical students to sit in with the GPs and nurses during clinics. Sitting in on consultations provides an insight into the specific problems faced by homeless people, sex workers and those using drugs and alcohol. For the pre-clinical students watching the practitioners talking with the patients is a reminder of why they came to medical school, a break from all that bookwork.

More information - how can I get involved?

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MedSIN-RUMS is a full constitutional society of UCL Union

This page was last updated on 7/11/99

If you see any errors, please email me