Other activities/events

As well as our projects and seminars, MedSIN-RUMS also get involved in many other activities and events in London, the UK and abroad. Some of these events are organised by external organisations with whom we have links (such as the BMA, MedACT and Jubilee2000), while others are organised by MedSIN(UK) or the IFMSA.

This page is divided into upcoming events which MedSIN-RUMS have plans to go to, and reports from past events to which some MedSIN-RUMS members went.





MedSIN(UK) National Meeting (Sheffield)

IFMSA General Assembly, Mexico

IFMSA Romania Project

IFMSA Calcutta Project

IFMSA Workshop, Holland

MedSIN(UK) National Meeting

IFMSA EOM, Finland

IFMSA GA, Portugal

External organisations


BMA Human Rights Conference

Jubilee 2000/MedACT campaign

Upcoming activities/events

BMA Conference on Human Rights

Friday 19th November 1999, BMA House, Tavistock Square, London

This conference is jointly organised by the BMA, Physicians for Human Rights UK and the International Federation of Health and Human Rights Organisations. It promises to be a fascinating day, as some of the world's leading experts on Human Rights and Medicine come to give various talks about the importance that doctors recognise that Human Rights is an essential part of their profession.
The day is divided up into four sessions: Surveying the Scene; New Issues for Doctors; Doctors and Conflict; Facing the Future. It starts at 8.45am with registration, and should finish at about 4.15pm. Lunch and refreshments will be served between sessions. The cost is £25 for students
MedSIN(UK) plan to attend in force! There are a few of us going from MedSIN-RUMS, and several more from other MedSINs. We hope to learn a lot from the day, and also to show the BMA that MedSIN is an important student organisation, which has a lot to say and a lot to offer the profession!

Email us for more details of how to get tickets

Past activities/events

MedSIN(UK) National Meeting, Sheffield

30th & 31st October 1999

The MedSIN(UK) National Meetings occur twice a year. There is always one at the end of October and another in February. The most recent one took place in Sheffield, and was the biggest and best one yet!
For the first time there were two themed days, the Saturday being 'Divided Cities' and the Sunday 'Refugees & Peace Focus Day'. Both days were crammed full of guest speakers, workshops and displays, and there were opportunities for the different MedSINs to discuss their local activities.

Click here for a more detailed report

IFMSA General Assembly 1999, Monterrey, Mexico

6-12th August 1999

There were three of us from MedSIN-RUMS who went to this conference, which is the most important meeting on the IFMSA calendar. It was a fantastic conference, and we learnt a lot from it while having an absolutely superb time! There were more than 400 medical students there from over 60 different countries!

Click here for a more detailed report

IFMSA International Project: Romanian Orphanage Project

Report by Ella Rachamim (our secretary), who went last summer

There have been two MedSIN-RUMS members who have been on this project in the past, and Ella has written a nice report of her rotation last summer.
The project is one of the IFMSAs most well established, and lots of students from all over the world have been to help out in this orphanage. Activities include teaching and playing with the kids, and helping out in the clinic.

Click here for a more detailed report


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MedSIN-RUMS is a full constitutional society of UCL Union

This page was last updated on 7/11/99

If you see any errors, please email me