
All seminars planned so far will be in the Middlesex Hospital boardroom (although we are planning to hold some at the Royal Free). This room is directly in front of you as you walk into reception. There will be free wine and nibbles at all the seminars, too! Entrance is free.
Click here for directions to the Middlesex Hospital

Monday 31st January 2000, 5.45pm:- "Lost in Space"

Dr. Kevin Fong will be talking about his time at NASA, and more specifically about space medicine and how doctors can help in researching the effects of space travel on the human body.

Past seminars

These are the seminars which have been held so far this year. If you missed one which you would have been interested in please email us and we will pass on a short description of what went on, and how you can find out more.

"MedSIN-RUMS Explained", Oct 11th

This was a short description of who we are, what we do, who we are linked to and what our members can do. There were brief talks from our Project Co-ordinators about our projects. We also had guest speakers from Childline (talking about our Childline project) and Physicians for Human Rights (talking about their activities, and the possibility that MedSIN could get involved).
If you would like more information about our projects click here.

"Childrens' Ward - Bosnia", Oct 25th

A talk from Dr. Limebury, who spent part of her career in Sarajevo practising paediatrics, teaching it to the local consultants, and helped to set up an improved childrens hospital for the region. Her experiences of the archaic medical teaching methods, the appalling conditions in post-war Bosnia, and of the remarkable spirit of the kids are inspirational.

"The Streets of London", Nov 8th

Roger Williams talking about the health problems faced by the homeless, and why many doctors still steer clear of treating them. Roger is involved in CRISIS - a shelter for homeless people in London which runs over the Christmas period.
Click here for more information on our homeless projects.

"Out of Africa", Nov 22nd

A seminar presented by Dr Jack Piachaud; consultant, talking about health in Zimbabwe and an interactive discussion on the co-operation between traditional and Western health methods.

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MedSIN-RUMS is a full constitutional society of UCL Union

This page was last updated on 25/01/00

If you see any errors, please email me