Links page

I'm afraid this page is currently under construction, and does not contain very many links! This will be rectified very soon, and will eventually have links to lots of relevant sites!

This page contains links to websites that may be of interest. There are links to sites directly connected to MedSIN-RUMS, such as MedSIN(UK) and IFMSA, as well as to sites of organisations which have something to do with issues we are interested in.

The MedSIN(UK) website

This web page is under construction, but contains info about some of the National activities of MedSIN. It also has links to the other MedSIN groups around the country.

The IFMSA website

The IFMSA website is huge, and really good! It contains full information about the organisation and activities of IFMSA, including all the International Projects and Workshops.

Medecins Sans Frontieres

MSF is an absolutely amazing organisation. They help out in all the major world disasters - natural or man-made. This year they even won the Nobel Peace Prize! MedSIN and IFMSA has a lot of contact with them, and they are keen to involve more students with their activities to encourage more doctors to get involved with the situations they deal with.

Amnesty International UK

Amnesty International is an organisation which focuses on Human Rights, and campaigns against violations of these basic rights. There have been links between the IFMSA and AI in the past, and at the moment we at MedSIN-RUMS are trying to come up with a collaboration with the London network of Amnesty Student groups. Watch this space!



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MedSIN-RUMS is a full constitutional society of UCL Union

This page was last updated on 16/11/99

If you see any errors, please email me