MedSIN-RUMS projects

Jubilee 2000

You may well have heard of Jubilee 2000 - it has been a campaign very much in the public eye over the last few years. At MedSIN-RUMS we too are doing our bit to force our governments to "Drop the Debt"!

What is Jubilee 2000? - Why are Third World Countries in debt? - What are the implications of the debt crisis? - How can the debt crisis be solved? - What can we do to help? - Please get involved! - Contact details

MedSIN-UK has been very involved with the Jubilee 2000 campaign over the last year. A new campaign is currently being organised by MedSIN-UK for the run up to the millennium. MedSIN-RUMS will play a big part in this, and we want you to get involved.

But first, what are we campaigning for?

What is Jubilee 2000?

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Jubilee 2000 is an international movement calling for cancellation of the unpayable debt of the world's poorest countries by the year 2000 under a fair and transparent process.

Why are Third World Countries in debt?

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  • Western banks lent money to Third World countries during the financial crisis of the 1970s.
  • When Western economies recovered from the crisis, oil prices and interest rates rose. As a result, Third World countries earned less than ever for their exports and were paying more than ever on their loans.
  • The International Monetary Fund and World Bank stepped in with new loans to help pay the interest
  • However, this action has increased the debt burden of some of the poorest countries in the world, essentially making them bankrupt.

What are the implications of the debt crisis?

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  • Repayments cost, on average, 25% of a government's national budget. Africa spends four times as much on debt repayment as it does on healthcare. In Uganda, £2 per person is spent on healthcare, compared with £11.50 on debt repayments.
  • Some improvements in health gained in the 1960s and 70s have been reversed since the debt crisis started: infant mortality has risen in many deeply indebted countries; diseases such as tuberculosis and yellow fever are making a comeback as treatment and vaccination coverage decline.

How can the debt crisis be solved?

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  • $70 billion over 20 years from 24 countries would be needed to cancel the debt of the 52 poorest countries.
  • The UK alone spends $100 billion per year on public expenditure.
  • $120 billion was mobilised within days by the West in response to the collapse of the Tiger economies.
  • Jubilee 2000 calls for cancellation of the backlog of unpayable debt of the poorest countries.
  • This would be a once-only gesture to mark the millenium, and would not set a precedent for cancelling all debts repeatedly. This process should be undertaken by an independent body in an open, transparent and fair manner.

What can we do to help?

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  • MedSIN-UK has been very involved in Jubilee 2000 campaigns. This summer the city centres of London and Cologne were surrounded by two human chains of 50,000 people holding hands, blowing whistles, shouting our messages and generally having a very good time. Both chains were well attended by MedSIN members; the chain in London had a special 'health section' where students, doctors and nurses lined up along Westminster bridge dressed in white coats and surgical greens making more noise than the rest of the chain put together.
  • Jubilee 2000 has been successful so far! The G7 nations have already cancelled some debts, and have promised to write the rest off completely. We must now push them one step further to get them to act upon these promises.
  • In only 5 minutes, you can sign the online petition:
  • The MedSIN campaign is starting soon! MedSIN groups all over the country are compiling a giant letter to Tony Blair signed by medical students, doctors, nurses etc. We want your help with this: as many people as possible can take a small portion of this letter for friends, family, colleagues, lecturers, and random acquaintances to sign. We are going to start this letter off with the signatures of all sorts of medical bigwigs (heads of the BMA, Royal Colleges etc.) to encourage other medics to sign. The portions of the letter from all over the country will then be joined together and followed by a massive PARTY for everyone in London. The next day the letter will be presented at No.10 Downing Street, with us dressed up in surgical greens, white coats etc. and any other gimmicks we can think of. The more wacky our appearance, the more interested the press will be, and hopefully we will get our message across to the Government.

Please get involved!

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So, please, please jump on the Jubilee 2000 bandwagon. There is loads you can do to help, even if it is just getting a few people to sign our petition. Watch this space for more details on what you can do, or get in contact with us...

Contact details

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MedSIN-RUMS Jubilee 2000 Project Co-ordinator:

Sarah Finer,
(1st year clinical student)
email either us on or Sarah on

Official Jubilee 2000 UK website:

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MedSIN-RUMS is a full constitutional society of UCL Union

This page was last updated on 7/11/99

If you see any errors, please email me