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Older versions of manuals and exercises

(Prior to September 2008)

We reviewed all of our training documentation in September 2008. If you have earlier versions of our manuals and tasks that are NOT dated September 2008 you will find the accompanying work files on this page along with further copies of the manuals and tasks. Alternatively, you may wish to download the latest version from our Training Resources pages which is where all of the latest versions of our materials are now held.

This table contains links to Word versions of our training manuals, accompanying exercise instructions (tasks) and sets of files referred to in the exercises (zipped up). Please be advised that not all manuals have accompanying exercises and that in some cases the exercises are included within the manual. We have included file sizes - some documents are very large because of the number of graphics they contain. Please report any difficulties in using this site to is-courses@ucl.ac.uk.



Files for tasks (zipped)

Dreamweaver - part 1 (1.5Mb) Tasks (148Kb) Files(1.0Mb)
Dreamweaver - part 2 Tasks (162Kb) Files (1.0Mb)
Graphics and multimedia
Introduction to Photoshop Elements (910Kb) Tasks (43Kb) Files(1.3Mb)
Getting more from Photoshop Elements Tasks (46Kb) Files (1.5Mb)
Getting started with PowerPoint (2.2Mb) Tasks (100Kb) Files (49Kb)
Getting more from PowerPoint (2.2Mb) Tasks (100Kb) Files (1.4Mb)
PowerPoint - graphics, diagrams and animations (2.7Mb) Tasks (100Kb) Files (1.9Mb)
Getting started with Excel (1.1Mb) Tasks (182Kb) Files (49Kb)
Introduction to Excel formulae & functions (2.8Mb) Tasks (177Kb) Files (79Kb)
More Excel (no formulae & functions) (2.1Mb) Tasks (115Kb) Files (95Kb)
Statistical functions and formulae (1.4Mb) Tasks Files (48Kb)
Excel tricks & tips (7.2Mb)   Files (52Kb)
Excel pivot tables (286Kb)   Files (8K)
Excel charting (3.1Mb) Tasks (146K) Files (235Kb)
Reference Manager
Using Reference Manager (843Kb) Tasks (69Kb) Files (735Kb)
Reference Manager - database-specific instructions (50Kb) Tasks (37Kb) Files (735Kb)
Getting started with Word (3.6Mb) Tasks (200Kb) Files (157Kb)
Getting more from Word (1.8Mb) Tasks (587Kb) Files (193Kb)
Mail merge in Word (1.4Mb) Tasks (475Kb) Files (23K)
Managing long documents in Word (1.9Mb) Tasks (155Kb) Files (1.1Mb)
Master & sub documents (166Kb) Tasks in manual Files (181Kb)
Sharing & reviewing documents (229Kb) Tasks (80Kb) Files (157Kb)
Using Access databases (675Kb) Tasks (126Kb) Files (427Kb)
Creating tables & relationships in Access (2.7Mb)
(this manual accompanies the Designing & Developing course)
Tasks (234Kb) Files (328Kb)
Creating queries in Access (390Kb) Tasks (218Kb) Files (86Kb)
Creating forms & reports in Access (517Kb) Tasks (180Kb) Files (50Kb)
Advanced forms & switchboards in Access Tasks Files (44Kb)
Advanced queries & reports in Access Tasks Files (270Kb)
Introduction to SPSS (18.Mb) Tasks (675Kb) Files (96Kb)
File Management
Effective file management (1.6Mb) Tasks (689Kb) Files (96Kb)
Unix services
Introduction to Unix (228Kb)    

About the Creative Commons licence

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 England & Wales License.

Please email us on is-courses@ucl.ac.uk with any questions, or suggestions for new course topics, etc.


Please report any problems with this page, broken links etc. to is-courses@ucl.ac.uk

This page was last modified on December 10, 2008     Contact IS

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